Saturday, October 18, 2008

Articles of Impeachment

"Impeachment is not a political question. Impeachment is a constitutional duty. It is the one power and highest duty the Constitution rests in the Congress to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States when the President, Vice President, and other civil officers of the United States commit treason, bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. George Bush has deliberately, falsely and systematically mislead the Congress and the American people concerning the most criminal, costly and harmful acts of his administration, leading us to war, tragic loss of human life, the devastation of Iraq, military expenses reaching trillions of dollars, disruption of the economy that will take decades to overcome, a contemptuous assault on the Bill of Rights, an international humanitarian disaster, deliberate antagonism and provocation of nations and people, most once friendly, and an enlarging assault on the earth's environment. On June 5, 2008, a long delayed five year U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence study and 170-page report unanimously found President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top officers had made false charges and systematically presented a more dire picture about Iraq than justified by intelligence provided only to them. The Committee included both Democrats and Republicans. Today President Bush is exerting all his power and influence to repeatedly urge Europe, Israel and others to support an attack on Iran which he intends to commence in the remaining months of the presidency. Iran is larger than Iraq and Afghanistan, has millions of people, richer by a multiple, unimpaired by recent war and will fight fiercely if attacked. He is negotiating a permanent U.S. military presence in Iraq placing the U.S. on Iran's border. The next several Presidents of the United States will spend their time in office miserably fighting wars started by Bush, as our economy is consumed in military spending. Impeachment, a Constitutional duty, is the only way to prevent George W. Bush and his cabal from vastly enlarging the disastrous wars he has already inflicted on the world and the American people. The House of Representatives must quickly consider Bills of Impeachment long overdue, and the Senate must prepare to sit in judgment of President Bush, Vice President Cheney other officers who are implicated. In a brilliant and courageous speech on the House floor, Congressman Kucinich continued to show his integrity and stance in defense of our constitution. On Monday night he introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush. Each article was elucidated with stunning evidence of it's validity."

Article I
Creating a Secret Propaganda Campaign to
Manufacture a False Case for War Against Iraq.
Article II
Falsely, Systematically, and with Criminal Intent
Conflating the Attacks of September 11, 2001,
With Misrepresentation of Iraq as a Security Threat
as Part of Fraudulent Justification for a War of Aggression.
Article III
Misleading the American People and Members of Congress
to Believe Iraq Possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction,
to Manufacture a False Case for War.
Article IV
Misleading the American People and Members of Congress
to Believe Iraq Posed an Imminent Threat to the United States.
Article V
Illegally Misspending Funds to Secretly Begin a War of Aggression.
Article VI
Invading Iraq in Violation of the Requirements of HJRes114.
Article VII
Invading Iraq Absent a Declaration of War.
Article VIII
Invading Iraq, A Sovereign Nation, in Violation of the UN Charter.
Article IX
Failing to Provide Troops With Body Armor and Vehicle Armor
Article X
Falsifying Accounts of US Troop Deaths and Injuries for Political Purposes
Article XI
Establishment of Permanent U.S. Military Bases in Iraq
Article XII
Initiating a War Against Iraq for Control of That Nation's Natural Resources
Article XIIII
Creating a Secret Task Force to Develop Energy and Military Policies
With Respect to Iraq and Other Countries
Article XIV
Misprision of a Felony, Misuse and Exposure of Classified Information
And Obstruction of Justice in the Matter of Valerie Plame Wilson,
Clandestine Agent of the Central Intelligence Agency
Article XV
Providing Immunity from Prosecution for Criminal Contractors in Iraq
Article XVI
Reckless Misspending and Waste of U.S. Tax Dollars in
Connection With Iraq and US Contractors
Article XVII
Illegal Detention: Detaining Indefinitely And Without
Charge Persons Both U.S. Citizens and Foreign Captives
Article XVIII
Torture: Secretly Authorizing, and Encouraging the
Use of Torture Against Captives in Afghanistan,
Iraq, and Other Places, as a Matter of Official Policy
Article XIX
Rendition: Kidnapping People and Taking Them Against
Their Will to "Black Sites" Located in Other
Nations, Including Nations Known to Practice Torture
Article XX
Imprisoning Children
Article XXI
Misleading Congress and the American People About
Threats from Iran, and Supporting Terrorist Organizations
Within Iran, With the Goal of Overthrowing the Iranian Government
Article XXII
Creating Secret Laws
Article XXIII
Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act
Article XXIV
Spying on American Citizens, Without a Court-Ordered Warrant,
in Violation of the Law and the
Fourth Amendment
Article XXV
Directing Telecommunications Companies to Create an
Illegal and Unconstitutional Database of the Private Telephone
Numbers and Emails of American Citizens
Article XXVI
Announcing the Intent to Violate Laws with Signing Statements
Article XXVII
Failing to Comply with Congressional Subpoenas and
Instructing Former Employees Not to Comply
Article XXVIII
Tampering with Free and Fair Elections, Corruption
of the Administration of Justice
Article XXIX
Conspiracy to Violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Article XXX
Misleading Congress and the American People in an Attempt to Destroy Medicare
Article XXXI
Katrina: Failure to Plan for the Predicted Disaster of Hurricane
Katrina, Failure to Respond to a Civil Emergency
Article XXXII
Misleading Congress and the American People, Systematically
Undermining Efforts to Address Global Climate Change
Article XXXIII
Repeatedly Ignored and Failed to Respond to High Level
Intelligence Warnings of Planned Terrorist Attacks in the US, Prior to 911.
Article XXXIV
Obstruction of the Investigation into the Attacks of September 11, 2001
Article XXXV
Endangering the Health of 911 First Responders

- More on this through

Speaker Pelosi: "Impeachment is off the table."

Martial Law threatened if $700 billion not given to wealthy!

Congressional leaders were threatened with Martial Law in America unless so called "Bank Bailout" approved. (Oct 3, 2008)
A Democratic Congressman has warned that a panic atmosphere is being intentionally created in order to get the financial bailout billed passed, further stating that several members of Congress were told before Monday's vote that martial law will be instigated in America if the legislation fails. Congressman Brad Sherman of California's 27th congressional district told the House in a speech yesterday evening that he personally knew of several Congressional representatives who have said they were threatened with the prospect of all out martial law should they vote in opposition to the $700 billion bailout. Sherman essentially intimated that powerful forces who want the bill passed have attempted to blackmail elected representatives. "The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. That atmosphere is not justified." Sherman stated. "Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple of thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no." The Congressman continued. "That's what I call fear mongering. Unjustified. Proven wrong. We've got a week, we've got two weeks to write a good bill. The only way to pass a bad bill is to keep the panic pressure on." Sherman urged. (Watch Rep. Sherman speaking in the House yesterday) On the Eve of a second Congressional vote on the legislation, these revelations show that freedom in America is under direct attack. The Congress should instigate an immediate investigation into these serious allegations to uncover which private individuals and administration officials, if any, are involved with directly threatening a military takeover of the workings of the U.S. government. CLIP from

No $700+ Billion Corp Welfare Coup d'etat

Howdy Friends, Family and Fellow Community Organizers!
I've been watching History unfold through the last three coup d'etats involving 1st, Reagan, who I spoke with in the Oval Office, via Iran deal with VP HW Bush on hostage release for weapons, etc; 2nd & 3rd GW Bush/Cheney. The 10 steps are in place to launch a corporate fascist war making Empire including Martial Law without Congressional input. One of the reasons to declare Martial Law is a Wall Street and/or USA financial stability disaster.
The Congress approved putting a shipping blockade on Iran and that is an Act of War. The US placed just such a blockade on Japan before they attacked Pearl Harbor.
When the Congressional leadership and Senators met to figure out how to save the deregulated monetary institutions that had lobbied long and hard to be able to follow Free Market, i.e. unbridled greed, Congressional leaders were threatened with Martial Law if they did not give up control of spending more than a trillion $ to the dictatorship of Bush/Cheney. To spend one Trillion dollars: you would have to spend/give away $100 million every day for 82 years.
See article posted on my blog on just such a threat of Martial Law if hundreds of billions are not given to the bankers who followed their greed. I wondered if just such a threat was why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took impeachment off the table. Or did she just decide to break her oath to protect and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic because ? ………why? What consequences are there for those who took such an oath and violated it?
An Irish American fourth generation democrat, precinct committee woman and elected representative to the Washington State Democratic Convention, I quit the party when Congress “bailed out” the Savings and Loans junk bonds. I remember that the Bush brothers made off with several hundred million dollars out of an Indiana Savings and Loan.
I gathered petitions to get the Green Party legal and on the ballot in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As Community Organizers we were successful. In Germany the Greens have the power of coalition building in law making to make a difference because they hold the 5% needed for a majority. Republicans and Democrats elected with Corporations’ monies I call Corpracrats.
Check out what Robert Kennedy Jr. has written about the stolen election in Ohio in 2004.
I sent letter for your information and hope you will share and ask your friends, family and local media to communicate with Congress quickly to just say No! Also, since this seems to be a done deal ask why. Ask Congress to make sure it can’t happen again.
Rep. Rick Larsen’s staff said constituents were flooding their office with comments about the so called “bail out” that were running 50-50 between no and hell no. Rep. Barney Frank D-Massachusetts is Chair of the Banking Committee and he needs to hear from those folks in his district. Majority leadership is held by Senator Byrd in WV; and Rep Henry Reid D-NV and of course Speaker Pelosi from San Francisco, and President-elect Obama.
If you have a 401 account or stocks there is a clause hidden in the so called “bailout” funding package that puts your money at risk. The conglomerate financial firms are permitted to use your brokerage account funds for their own liquidity. (That is just one of the horrors that await a privatized Social Security.) Secretary Henry Paulson was on Nixon's team, started at Goldman Sacs with $10 million in debt and left it with $120 million in bad debts, wants to be above the law and write any check he wishes with no oversight. The bill - to - law is very short and you can download it.
Parts of the following letter was taken from Campaign for America's Future, The last paragraph is mine and I held back a bit.

With Love and a shared vision of restoring: Free Speech; the Bill of Rights; Habeas Corpus; the Constitution; International and Environmental Treaties honored; the National Guard comes home and Community Organizers across the land join and say yes to life, our common future and our children's seventh generation.
Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Marie Kothari Gandhi,;

November 9, 2008 (Sent September 19th.) Use the information provided to write your own letter.
Honorable Congressman Rick Larsen: (Put in your own Senators and Representative’s names.)

No $700+ Billion blank check to the Bush administration for Wall Street.
Please, common sense must not be thrown out the window by rewarding those who paid lobbyists to get you to deregulate the financial institutions to allow greed to feed that is the cause of the problems.
1. No Taxation Without Representation. If our tax dollars are going to buy bad assets from irresponsible bankers, the American people must get something for it. Equity in bailed out firms. Strong regulation so this doesn't happen again. Stern public oversight. And, no golden parachutes for CEOs with our money. (Monies received from this financial coup d’etat saw CEOs paying themselves excessively large amounts and giving out stock holders bonuses. TmkG)
2. No Help for Wall Street Without Help for Main Street. To truly get our economy back on track, we must aid the victims, not just the predators. Freeze foreclosures. Renegotiate bad mortgages. Create jobs generating clean energy and modernizing infrastructure. Prevent cuts in local police, health, roads and school budgets. Extend unemployment insurance and food stamps.
3. No Insider Dealing. Wall Street can no longer be allowed to write their own laws. Legislators should refuse campaign money from Wall Street PACs or executives. We need a "time out" on contact between paid Wall Street lobbyists and elected officials while the crisis is addressed. Any congressional meetings with Wall Street officials must be immediately posted on a single website for complete transparency.
The next 24 hours will likely determine whether these common sense solutions prevail, or whether the Bush administration gets $700 billion more of our money to do with as it pleases.

“I demand that Congress ensure sensible checks and balances when dealing with hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars. The very wealthy CEOs should be the ones who have to pay for their folly not my great-great grandchildren. Wall St and McCain, i.e. GOP pushed for deregulation and are now surprised that greed fed wants not needs. Freedom and Free Trade have only been free for the profit takers and very detrimental for workers, children, women, elderly and the environment.
It would only be fair if all CEOs who made more than $900,000 a year be required to contribute 45 % of any amount of money or stock options paid above that amount to bail out what they wrecked with their pursuit of greed. Actually all Corporation Charters should be revoked until their books can be brought to balance by those who profited from wreaking the very financial institutions they are begging Uncle Sam to be responsible for. If they don’t then charge them with conspiracy to defraud the American Public. This action qualifies all of them as enemy combatants with this unconscionable attack on the financial stability of America.” TmkG
Ralph Nader suggested that a 1% tax on the sale of derivates (not taxed at present) could raise hundreds of billions of dollars and generate the money and wealth that greed has destroyed.

Please insist that your Representative, Senators and President-elect Obama defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.
Speaking for our common future and for a quality life for our seventh generation,
Theresa Marie Kothari Gandhi
P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236

If Only 1 Book out of 7,000 read I Could Take - This 1 is the 1.

If I could take only one book on a long journey or even to travel the stars it would be "Celebrate Your Divinity." Orest has woven together through histories ancient and modern many wisdom/truth seekers knowledge from exploring inner space to know that the Presence of God is within each of us!
From inner space to outer space the search for knowledge by Nobel winning physicists unfolds as a page turning mystery in a search for the theory of everything. It is a page turner read all through the night!
How these two great searches complement each other and are woven together is at the core of the mystery that unfolds!
And during the whole exploration of The Nature of God and the Theory of Everything is a constant "1" Love in flowing ripples through the words into your heart touching the personal and Divine within your unique oneness. Just an awesome experience!!!!!!! of "1".
Thank you Orest and all who participated in this treasured book for the ages to be available at just the right time. I want to share Celebrate Your Divinity with as many people as possible. As a gift that each may enjoy the journey, know your God within and Celebrate Your Divinity!
What I learned starting the year the movie GANDHI won eleven Academe Awards and I married into the family of Mahatma Gandhi is on my web page, For three decades I have explored Gandhi's moral and political thought for answers to challenges addressed in Orest's book. Please let us share probable solutions that we insure a quality future for our seventh generation and earth with healthy life support systems. The knowledge I gained from my life's journey is why I know that this book is very, very important to explore.