Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obama Global Warming Plan Involves Cooling Air

John Holdren talks about his role as President Obama's science adviser during an interview with The Associated Press, in Washington, Wednesday, April 8, 2009. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
WASHINGTON — Tinkering with Earth's climate to chill runaway global warming _ a radical idea once dismissed out of hand _ is being discussed by the White House as a potential emergency option, the president's new science adviser said Wednesday.
That's because global warming is happening so rapidly, John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month.
The concept of using technology to purposely cool the climate is called geoengineering. One option raised by Holdren and proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning scientist includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays.
Using such an experimental measure is only being thought of as a last resort, Holdren said.
"It's got to be looked at," he said. "We don't have the luxury ... of ruling any approach off the table."
His concern is that the United States and other nations won't slow global warming fast enough and that several "tipping points" could be fast approaching. Once such milestones are reached, such as complete loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic, it increases chances of "really intolerable consequences," he said.
Twice in a half-hour interview, Holdren compared global warming to being "in a car with bad brakes driving toward a cliff in the fog."
He and many experts believe that warming of a few degrees more would lead to disastrous drought conditions and food shortages in some regions, rising seas and more powerful coastal storms in others.
At first, Holdren characterized the potential need to technologically tinker with the climate as just his personal view. However, he went on to say he has raised it in administration discussions.
"We're talking about all these issues in the White House," Holdren said. "There's a very vigorous process going on of discussing all the options for addressing the energy climate challenge."
Holdren said discussions include Cabinet officials and heads of sub-Cabinet level agencies, such as NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The 65-year-old physicist is far from alone in taking geoengineering seriously. The National Academy of Sciences is making it the subject of the first workshop in its new climate challenges program for policymakers, scientists and the public. The British Parliament has also discussed the idea. At an international meeting of climate scientists last month in Copenhagen, 15 talks dealt with different aspects of geoengineering.
The American Meteorological Society is crafting a policy statement that says "it is prudent to consider geoengineering's potential, to understand its limits and to avoid rash deployment."
Last week, Princeton scientist Robert Socolow told the National Academy that geoengineering should be an available option in case climate worsens dramatically.
Holdren, a 1981 winner of a MacArthur Foundation "genius" grant, outlined these possible geoengineering options:
_ Shooting sulfur particles (like those produced by power plants and volcanoes, for example) into the upper atmosphere, an idea that gained steam when it was proposed by Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen in 2006. It would be "basically mimicking the effect of volcanoes in screening out the incoming sunlight," Holdren said.
_ Creating artificial "trees" _ giant towers that suck carbon dioxide out of the air and store it.
The first approach would "try to produce a cooling effect to offset the heating effect of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases," Holdren said.
But he said there could be grave side effects. Studies suggest that might include eating away a large chunk of the ozone layer above the poles and causing the Mediterranean and the Mideast to be much drier.
And those are just the predicted problems. Scientists say they worry about side effects that they don't anticipate.
While the idea could strike some people as too risky, the Obama administration could get unusual support on the idea from groups that have often denied the harm of global warming in the past.
The conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute has its own geoengineering project, saying it could be "feasible and cost-effective." And Cato Institute scholar Jerry Taylor said Wednesday: "Very few people would rule out geoengineering on its face."
Holdren didn't spell out under what circumstances such extreme measures might ever be called for. And he emphasized they are not something to rely on.
"It would be preferable by far," he said, "to solve this problem by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases."
Yet there is already significant opposition building to the House Democratic leaders' bill aimed at achieving President Barack Obama's goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050.
Holdren said temperatures should be kept from rising more than 3.6 degrees. To get there, he said the U.S. and other industrial nations have to begin permanent dramatic cuts in carbon dioxide pollution by 2015, with developing countries following suit within a decade.
Those efforts are racing against three tipping points he cited: Earth could be as close as six years away from the loss of Arctic summer sea ice, he said, and that has the potential of altering the climate in unforeseen ways. Other elements that could dramatically speed up climate change include the release of frozen methane from thawing permafrost in Siberia, and more and bigger wildfires worldwide.
The trouble is that no one knows when these things are coming, he said.
Holdren also addressed other topics during the interview:
_ The U.S. anti-ballistic missile program is not ready to work and shouldn't be used unless it is 100 percent effective. The system, which would be used to shoot down missiles from countries like North Korea or Iran "needs to be essentially perfect ... that's going to be hard to achieve."
_ Holdren said NASA needs some changes. He said the Bush administration's plan to return astronauts to the moon was underfunded so money was taken from science and aeronautics. Those areas, including climate change research, were "decimated," he said.
The administration will "rebalance NASA's programs so that we have in space exploration, a suitable mix of manned activities and robotic activities," Holdren said. Doing that "will only get under way in earnest when a new administrator is in place."
Holdren, who advises the president on such decisions, said he hopes Obama will pick a new NASA boss soon.

Office of Science and Technology Policy:

Cult of the Atom - Nuke Power's Report Card

Cult of the Atom: Secrets of the AEC book review NYT
THE CULT OF THE ATOM. The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission. By Daniel Ford. Illustrated. 273 pages. Simon & Schuster. $13.95. According to Daniel Ford, the mindset that allows obscurity to replace truthfulness flourished in the offices and adjunct laboratories of the now-superseded A.E.C. In ''The Cult of the Atom,'' Mr. Ford, an economist and former executive director of the Union of Concerned Scientists, persuasively assails what he regards as the duplicitous nature of much of the commission's work. Relying heavily on internal memoranda released through Freedom of Information Act requests, he explores the ways in which the A.E.C., empowered and directed by Congress not only to regulate the nuclear industry but also to promote nuclear energy, played ''the incompatible roles of coach and umpire, of partisan as well as judge.'' Mr. Ford argues that many Americans, who were defensive if not sorry about the bombings of Japan, welcomed the early utopian visions of nuclear power - including plutonium-heated swimsuits for scuba divers. Soon, as he describes it, leading scientists were ''looked upon as the high priests of a state religion.'' One can easily understand their unwillingness to admit infallibility, incompetence or ignorance. The result of this all-too-human response, Mr. Ford suggests, was the bypassing of the building of prototypes and the proliferation of very large nuclear reactors close to major metropolitan areas. According to Mr. Ford, A.E.C. engineers who reviewed the safety devices at the Indian Point plant in Westchester County ''used to joke half-seriously among themselves'' that its site at Buchanan, N.Y. ''should be renamed 'Hiroshima-on-Hudson.' '' This is frightening: Mr. Ford describes many occasions on which the A.E.C. censored negative findings of its own scientists - or published inaccurately Pollyanaish precise stifled dissent in its ranks by cutting financing to recalcitrant staffers and relied on industry manufacturers to perform critical tests and write their own regulations. As an example, in 1971, the engineering staff of the A.E.C.'s National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho prepared a chart on the state of knowledge about emergency core-cooling systems. It listed in one column the 29 major technical areas where information was needed to predict whether the systems would work, and in another, it summarized the ''current status'' of available information. The ratings were as follows: four incompletes, three unverifieds, one preliminary, eight inadequates, two inaccurates, four uncertains and seven missing. In 1973, after almost two years of hearings on the systems, the A.E.C. reaffirmed the existing designs. At times, ''The Cult of the Atom'' reads like an awesomely bad report card.

Department of Energy Secretary Chu

Secretary Steven Chu, US Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585

Greetings Secretary Chu:
The Hanford Dose Reconstruction Project estimates my exposure at birth and for the first two years of my life at 2,900,000 MREMS of radiation in 1946. I’ve beat cancer two times and have had multiple health challenges in my sixty-three years. Eight of ten of my school friends are dead from cancer. Four of six of my immediate family has experienced cancer, two died from it. I’m alive because a Chinese M.D., fourth generation Acupuncturist, etc. treated me until I was cancer free. I still have other challenges that are a part of Radiation Sickness Syndrome and have had eight surgeries. I have spent my life seeking a way to stay alive.
I have researched nuclear power, Hanford, Chernobyl, Radiation and the history of the Atom. My bread board’s wood held up the drafting table that redesigned the Enola Gay to be able to drop the first atomic bombs.
At this time it will take the clean-up crews at Hanford 167 years to vitrify to glass the contents of storage tanks that leak radiation into the water table next to the Columbia River.
Between Three Mile Island and a Washington State Initiative that made the stock holders liable for cost over-runs rather than rate payers building new plants stopped.
Before this folly is taken up again it would be wise to review what was done wrong, find which safety features are lacking and open the warehouse full of black boxes that were filled with ignored as unsolvable problems by the AEC (because of cost considerations). When an agency of government is charged with both promoting and regulating such a potentially harmful or even deadly program the conflict creates a need for secrecy and bad decisions.
One critical problem that is flashing red and all regulators seem color blind to it is the emergency back up system that requires water (that would not be there) to push hydraulics up for an emergency shut down of the reactor core. I forget if this is a Westinghouse or General Electric design problem.
If you haven’t read “The Cult of the Atom: Secrets of the Atomic Energy Commission” by Daniel F. Ford published in 1982 by Simon and Schuster you would be wise to do so. So many of the problems of nuclear power plants were discovered as the new technology came online. The need to justify nuclear power as practicable was so great that if a critical problem would cost money it was black boxed and buried. I’ve attached a book review.
There are several other unintended consequences that have been suppressed through time that really should be addressed that are not covered by Mr. Ford’s book. If you are interested I could put together a briefing for you.
I spent a decade researching the moral and political thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi when I married into the family and administered special projects for the Gandhi Memorial International Foundation. I’ve participated with world leaders strategizing Global Survival at Conferences in Toronto, Oxford and Moscow. Now I do document searches of peer reviewed science, submit official comments to various public policy formulation processes and write poetry.

Speaking and working for a Quality Common Future for Our Seventh Generation,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236 360-341-1218

Senator Cantwell - Public Option is a Must

Senator Cantwell, June 25, 2009
You are now officially a Corpracrat. Being against the Public Plan as included in President Obama's Health Care Reform Plan is the very least you need to do. Your position will put affordable health care out of reach for millions because of having to pay 25 - 40% more than Health Care costs. Profiteering Big-Pharma and Insurance Mega Corporations are the trolls under the bridge on the way to health. And AMA Drs. making War on the bodies’ “invaders” does not build healthy bodies but attacks them thinking that will make the body fight back. What is really needed is Single Payer Universal Health Care. We do not need more obscenely priced drugs and inferior Drs. who together have created a pandemic of 500,000 deaths a year from Drs. “practicing medicine and prescribing drug combinations” that kill. This thinking and limited choice of access to true healers needs reform. Treating a symptom with a drug does not cure the cause of disease. Nobody’s body has ever had a deficiency of an Rx drug. The exception is for diabetes which is caused by Congressional subsidies to Corp. Agra-Biz for corn, its GMO products and ubiquitous caustic corn syrup.
I and many of my family, friends and community are very, very unhappy with your position against a “Public Option”. I have read and underlined parts of the President’s Plan. “Medical, Insurance, Pharma –M.I.P.- if what they have said is true, should - in a free market, be able to compete. Do you want to give M.I.P. free reign with no incentives to bring down costs or do you serve the people who voted for you, our families, elders, children, friends and community?
I voted and worked hard to defeat Gov. Dixie Lee Ray because she would have allowed the Northern Tier Oil Pipeline to destroy Puget Sound. We defeated her in the Primary, the first time in the history of the state. Are you next? Your position puts you in the "I will work to deny you your Senate seat in the next election camp; Even if I have to vote for an independent or run on the Green Party". I've gotten a law made and signed into law in 1988. I have wanted to be a United States Senator for decades.
I lost my right to run for the US Senate when Group Health denied me life saving surgery in 1976. I did what I had to in order to secure surgery. The day after I went to a private surgeon he spent two and 1/2 hours inside my pelvis that had massive adhesions from uterine tissues of my womb. from a previous surgery. I would have died without the surgery. I know of many who have died because they could not get care and because of the treatments they received like my younger brother. If you have a couple of hours I could tell you horror story after horror story and never repeat myself. Eight out ten of my high school pals are dead from cancer and its treatment. The dead believed that Medical/drugs, radiation and surgery used to attack their bodies hoping their immune system would kick in and heal the body failed. Harvard and the Mayo Clinic have declared chemotherapy contrary to survival.
Not a user friendly way to heal and be healthy. I’d rather focus on solutions.
Historically making a profit on healing or medical insurance was illegal until the Sherman Act took Health Care taken out of Our Commons. We are still paying the price for Hearst, Rockefeller, etc. profits.
The Medical - Insurance - Big Pharma inc., invested $3.4 million in Senator Baucus. How much did they pay to buy you off?
Since 1977 I have watched as Congress stood by and let monopolies destroy millions of American lives. Big Pharma lies, the AMA lies to suppress competition, the Medical Insurance Corps. lie, deny and maximize profit. They use lies to spread fear. Big Pharma Corps. have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Big Tobacco stocks. The mark-up on drugs are obscene. Check my two attachments to verify.
I’m a Hanford Downwinder with a DOE number. I received 2,900,000 MREMS of radiation at birth in 1946. I’ve beat cancer two times because as an educated registered nurse I looked beyond AMA doctor’s “practicing” medicine and spent three decades researching how specifically to heal cancer and gain health. When I needed surgery I was able to have eight, starting at age eleven. I took responsibility to learn how to heal and detoxify my body. I’m alive, I have survived and I’ve written about my journey. 3 e-books, poetry, essays and photographs on share my solutions for individual and Global Survival.
There is no one talking about real reform in health care. All I’ve heard or read is that it is all about how many dollars will the AMA Drs. Big Pharma and Medical Insurance get from the hundreds of billions spent by a very sick American population. No debate on real reform has happened yet. That is what I want to be apart of. Why did acupuncture and Chinese herbs eliminate a brain tumor without brain surgery, more deadly radiation or cyotoxic drugs? This from an FBI authorized M.D. and 4th generation Chinese Master Acupuncturist at a fraction of what the AMA way would have cost. Radiation would have killed me like it did my brother at Fred Hutch. I wrote a speech for Dr. Jerry Goh when he was introduced to a Senate gathering.
I am looking at your record with squinted eyes. I and many believe the next election will throw the money changers, i.e. the Corpracrats, out of the Temple of Liberty, i.e., the Capitol. I am a 3rd generation democrat that has been and is very unhappy with the sold out corpracratic democrats.
I’ve been talking with others about replacing you and many others in the Senate & House. Please save me a lot of botheration and change your position to what we the people want instead of the lobbyists.
“God is Truth and Truth is God”, - M. K. Gandhi, my ex-great grand-uncle-in-law.

Respectfully sharing my truth,
Theresa Marie K Gandhi, P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236 360-341-1218
cc: News outlets; internet list serves; my blog, friends and community newspapers in WA State.

Dear President Obama March 26, 2009

President Barack Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. 20500

Dear President Obama,
I support your budget and please do not listen to the money washed republican Corpracrats. There are democratic Corpracrats you need to also be careful of. President Eisenhower edited out the word Congressional when he warned us of the military industrial congressional complex. And please, trickle down does not work. Please bury it.
Why would you listen to me? Ever since being offered an internship with Senator Warren Magnusson in the early seventies I have educated and prepared myself to be a United States Senator. In 1980 while volunteering at Democratic National Headquarters so that Ron Reagan would not win I got a bill out of committee. In 1988 I got a law made making October 2nd a National Day of Recognition for Mahatma Gandhi and shook hands with President Reagan in the Oval Office. Since 1982 I have researched, applied and taught the moral and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi with a focus on how specifically to achieve inner and world peace. Staying on truth and being non-violent in thought, word and deed is a passion and moment to moment experience for me. As an ordained minister knowing the constant Presence of God makes life worth living and is a gift to be used wisely. In 1983 I married a relative of Mahatma Gandhi.
Thank you for being open to communications from us common folk – some of us are wise and can see from afar the forest of unwise advice and even lies you have to weave your way through to find truth and wisdom. Our history of Presidents is filled with grievous attacks on those with the courage to make changes that took power from the powerful. I know you are one who can with the backing of common Americans as your constituency implement the changes that could restore and invigorate our Republic. Keep talking to us to let us know what you are doing and why and what we can do to help you.
I, like you, don’t speak unless I know the issues and know that I can back up what I say with reliable sources, references, peer reviewed scientific studies and have a probable solution to contribute to the challenge.
I campaigned for you by telling over 500 friends, family and fellow social justice activists to tell five people to tell five people, etc. to vote for you. Three Bush coup d’etats ended by blackmailing Congress that if they didn’t submit and give money to Wall St. martial law would be declared. And GW Bush signing an Executive Order authorizing 10 million uses of sonar that could kill the last marine mammal was too much. Another time I’ll communicate some of my Comments on the U.S. Navy NWTRC draft EIS/OEIS 2008. They and other examples of my work with photos can be found on my blog via my web page;
1. When you put the foxes who robbed the hen house in charge of designing, rebuilding and installing anti-theft procedures I knew we were in big trouble. The coup d’etat from the power elite bankers worked and America could be forever under the thumb of a powerful cabal. It’s not too late to get rid of the foxes. Will you?
2. Only you can request the State Department or Department of Commerce in preparation for COP15 in Copenhagen in December establish a Working Group on Global Warming and its relationship to ionospheric heaters, i.e. Star Wars. HAARP uses weapons of mass destruction technology that can be used for modifying the ionosphere over very large areas for "over-the-horizons" telecommunications disruption, creating computer errors and perhaps even creating negative biological effects. What is known from other government documents, HAARP planning documents and International Red Cross documents is that what is possible with these new systems could have global catastrophic consequences. The HAARP system intends to beam 3.6 million Gig watts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere and then use it as a weapon or at the least control the weather as a “force multiplier”. This energy drives extreme weather and creates climate disruption on a scale never seen before. Humanity and the continued existence of the west coast plus…. depends upon your considered thought, decision and action in this regard.
When you heat the sky to bow it to control and target over the horizon Extreme Ice melt occurs and temperatures have risen at least 4 degrees in Alaska, home of HAARP. Talk with Senator Mark Begich of Alaska about the work his brother Nick has done in researching and writing books about the patents, capability and implications of the technology that is online in Gakona, Alaska. I’m sure you have been briefed about the military uses of this technology but not the probable grievous harm.
Studying the history of geo-political strategic military actions I understand the need to have a security system on our northwestern frontier that can monitor the skies of the whole planet. The collateral damage could be the elimination of all artic ice sooner than we could possibly imagine. The perma frost is turning into swamp and the ripples could go around the world.
President Obama we need your leadership to admit what we, the Soviets and other countries are doing in the artic and in space and decide for the sake of humanity, the global coastal residents and our seventh generation to solve the issues that have gotten us to the present but may prevent us from having a future.
3. As a radioactive Hanford downwinder in the future I will communicate with you my research on the history of the Atomic Energy Commission, fourth generation nuclear weapons, i.e. Deplete Uranium and the poison gas created upon explosion. My bread board held up the drafting table where the Enola Gay was modified to be able to carry the bombs to Japan.
4. The USDA is one of the biggest contributors to the ill health and high medical expenses of Americans. Corporate farming is making Americans obese and malnourished at the same time. Your Secretary of Agriculture will not understand this link nor will he enable healthy organic farming that produces mineral rich wholesome alive and healthy food. My care giver son grows organic food so I may live. Please do not sign H.R 875 “The Food Safety and Modernization Act” into law. It is poorly written and makes it harder maybe impossible for organic family farms to stay in business. Monsanto is a bad actor and needs to be examined.
5. Can you please make sure that the State Department, the Military, law enforcement, prisons and schools teach conflict resolution techniques developed by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez and used by Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller? After 40 years in the United Nations he became the Chancellor at the University of Peace in Costa Rica but was only paid $1.00 a year with no support staff. Could you please fund the University for Peace and the U.S. Peace University? Or could you ask the United Nations to do so? Learning non-violent conflict mediation is very important if peace is to be possible.
Before we marched across America in Operation SALT March in 1984 I learned from Ford Motor Company that Peace is a threat to National Security. This should not be so.
Thank you for your kind consideration of the issues I have raised. I would like to shake the hand of the President with the courage to tackle and solve the challenges I have touched upon today. I hope you will be open to receiving my questions and suggestions in the future.

With sincere thanks for your being President,
Theresa Marie Kothari Gandhi
Whidbey Island Chemically Injured Network
Whidbey Island Environmental Action Network
Whidbey Island No Spray
Green Party of Island County
P.O. Box 437, Clinton, Washington 98236

HAARP & Global Warming to: Senators Cantwell & Murrary

Honorable Senator Cantwell,
Could you please communicate with your fellow Senators, especially on the Foreign Relations Committee in a discussion of the atmospheric heaters powered by 3.6 million watts, i.e. SDI’s HAARP, that are weapons of mass destruction, contribute to Global Warming, severe climate events and need to be a part of IPCC’s COP15 December 2009?
US and Russia have used these technologies to wage weather wars. See, research posted. Researcher, Dr. Nicholas Begich has published four books on topic, 1st was "Angels Don't Play This HAARP!"
My two page Weather WMD briefing letter posted on blog at Also posted is alternative process via adoption globally via grassroots of a Bill of Rights for the Earth.
Rev. Theresa Marie K. Gandhi,
P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236 USA –

Honorable Senator Murray,
Will you communicate with your fellow Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee to facilitate discussion of the ATOMSPHERE HEATERS powered by 3.6 million watts, i.e. SDI’s HAARP, that are weapons of mass destruction, contribute to Global Warming, severe climate events and need to be a part of IPCC’s COP15 December 2009?
US and Russia have used these technologies to wage weather wars. See, research posted. Researcher, Dr. Nicholas Begich has published four books on topic, 1st was "Angels Don't Play This HAARP!"
My two page Weather WMD briefing letter posted on blog at Also posted is alternative process via adoption globally via grassroots of a Bill of Rights for the Earth.
Rev. Theresa Marie K. Gandhi, Community Organizer
Whidbey Island

Weather WMD and Global Warming - Red Alert 1-28-2009

To: President Obama; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; NOAA; Media; and Concerned Citizens; What would Mahatma Gandhi say about our current challenges and responsibilities globally? Would he issue Red Alerts acknowledging imminent tipping points for our earth’s self-sustaining global commons beyond which our earth will be unable to sustain life? What priorities and processes would he propose to insure our common future? As one who since 1983 explored, wrote about and applied the moral and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi I call your attention to a global threat that is not being investigated, discussed or acknowledged for the grievous harm that has and could occur. There is no reason that is valid enough to keep such a global threat from being researched, discussed, and alternatives found.
November 30 to December 18, 2009 10,000 to 15,000 will gather in Copenhagen, Denmark, meeting in Working Groups, to formulate a plan to deal with severe Climate Change and Global Warming. Not being discussed to date are the part that New World Order Weapons of Mass Destruction are playing in Global Warming by heating the earth’s ionosphere with 6 billion watts of focused energy. Is it any wonder that our climate is violent and more extreme than ever before?
Weather Wars using Weapons of Mass Destruction that have earth changing technology are being used by Russia and the United States. HAARP, in Gakona, Alaska is an atmospheric heater that uses 6 billion watts to focus frequencies to heat and bow the ionosphere for over the horizon targeting as one of its many uses. The United States Air Force and Navy work with Raytheon, owning the Tesla and Eastland patents, operate under the mandate of SDI. The side effects or unintended consequences is putting rips and holes in our planet’s protective atmosphere, pumping huge amounts of energy that feed extreme climate events and global warming. Even though HAARP’s use is damaging a major global life support system I am unaware of it being discussed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -IPCC. European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy after holding hearings on HAARP sought to draw up a “Green Paper” on “the links between environment and defense”. They were told the Committee lacked the jurisdiction to delve into “the links between environment and defense”. If not them, who can discuss it? Even though HAARP’s use violates the 1977 International Convention ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned ‘military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects’. It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.’
While the substance of the 1977 Convention was reasserted in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, debate on weather modification for military use has become a scientific taboo.
Plans and actions to deploy HAARP and Russian technologies into space to base weapons of mass destruction are already under way.
Like the US Navy’s proposal to test life killing radar frequencies off the California, Oregon, Washington Coasts and within Puget Sound harms our selves by destroying marine life whose viability we depend upon. The Navy has used a variety of methods to lock out comments, speed approval and plans to violate the Endangered Species Act. The new radar technology kills whales by destroying their brains.
There maybe other ‘secret weapons of mass destruction’ that I am unaware or that are held so tightly as to still be secret. I do know about HAARP and the Navy’s radar. To be silent would put me among those guilty of crimes against humanity.
I can imagine the Bush administration had something to do with the silence that has and could kill millions, has left millions homeless and has even worse applications than I have even discussed in this letter. Please read the research by Dr. Nicholas Begich.
I have wondered why Vice President Gore has not said a word even though he would have to know given the length of time these technologies have been in existence.
To the IPCC, what will it take to convene Working Groups on these WMD as part of the process to find solutions to Global Warming threats to humanity’s existence?
President Obama, who do you have working on the military’s part in Global Warming and how can this very critical challenge be discussed without invoking National Security? When does humanity’s survival trump secrecy that allows destruction of earth’s atmosphere and oceans?
To those of us who have lost loved ones, homes, businesses and farmers who have lost crops and even their farms what would you have us do to insure our safety and lives?
We’ve been told the Oceans will be dead within 40 years. It seems like just yesterday that it was forty year ago. Weapons of Mass Destruction that now threaten humanity’s survival must be spoken of and another way found that does not threaten all life on our planet. Too many secrets and lies now threaten our very existence. Humanity's survival must be spoken of and another way found that does not threaten us all. This is just one of many topics that Mahatma Gandhi would speak about without reserve seeking that truth is told that humanity may survive.
A number of people have sounded the alarm. Alaska resident Dr. Nicholas Begich, published books about HAARP and spoke to the European Union. These books can be found on his web page, Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, has posted warnings on and The web page has a number of articles on the topic. Physicist Dr. Bernard Eastlund, Dr. Rosalie Bertell and others have sounded the alarm.
What will you do?

Speaking for our earth and our seventh generation,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi,
Whidbey Island, Northwest Washington State where we experience typhoon winds.