Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Senator Cantwell - Public Option is a Must

Senator Cantwell, June 25, 2009
You are now officially a Corpracrat. Being against the Public Plan as included in President Obama's Health Care Reform Plan is the very least you need to do. Your position will put affordable health care out of reach for millions because of having to pay 25 - 40% more than Health Care costs. Profiteering Big-Pharma and Insurance Mega Corporations are the trolls under the bridge on the way to health. And AMA Drs. making War on the bodies’ “invaders” does not build healthy bodies but attacks them thinking that will make the body fight back. What is really needed is Single Payer Universal Health Care. We do not need more obscenely priced drugs and inferior Drs. who together have created a pandemic of 500,000 deaths a year from Drs. “practicing medicine and prescribing drug combinations” that kill. This thinking and limited choice of access to true healers needs reform. Treating a symptom with a drug does not cure the cause of disease. Nobody’s body has ever had a deficiency of an Rx drug. The exception is for diabetes which is caused by Congressional subsidies to Corp. Agra-Biz for corn, its GMO products and ubiquitous caustic corn syrup.
I and many of my family, friends and community are very, very unhappy with your position against a “Public Option”. I have read and underlined parts of the President’s Plan. “Medical, Insurance, Pharma –M.I.P.- if what they have said is true, should - in a free market, be able to compete. Do you want to give M.I.P. free reign with no incentives to bring down costs or do you serve the people who voted for you, our families, elders, children, friends and community?
I voted and worked hard to defeat Gov. Dixie Lee Ray because she would have allowed the Northern Tier Oil Pipeline to destroy Puget Sound. We defeated her in the Primary, the first time in the history of the state. Are you next? Your position puts you in the "I will work to deny you your Senate seat in the next election camp; Even if I have to vote for an independent or run on the Green Party". I've gotten a law made and signed into law in 1988. I have wanted to be a United States Senator for decades.
I lost my right to run for the US Senate when Group Health denied me life saving surgery in 1976. I did what I had to in order to secure surgery. The day after I went to a private surgeon he spent two and 1/2 hours inside my pelvis that had massive adhesions from uterine tissues of my womb. from a previous surgery. I would have died without the surgery. I know of many who have died because they could not get care and because of the treatments they received like my younger brother. If you have a couple of hours I could tell you horror story after horror story and never repeat myself. Eight out ten of my high school pals are dead from cancer and its treatment. The dead believed that Medical/drugs, radiation and surgery used to attack their bodies hoping their immune system would kick in and heal the body failed. Harvard and the Mayo Clinic have declared chemotherapy contrary to survival.
Not a user friendly way to heal and be healthy. I’d rather focus on solutions.
Historically making a profit on healing or medical insurance was illegal until the Sherman Act took Health Care taken out of Our Commons. We are still paying the price for Hearst, Rockefeller, etc. profits.
The Medical - Insurance - Big Pharma inc., invested $3.4 million in Senator Baucus. How much did they pay to buy you off?
Since 1977 I have watched as Congress stood by and let monopolies destroy millions of American lives. Big Pharma lies, the AMA lies to suppress competition, the Medical Insurance Corps. lie, deny and maximize profit. They use lies to spread fear. Big Pharma Corps. have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Big Tobacco stocks. The mark-up on drugs are obscene. Check my two attachments to verify.
I’m a Hanford Downwinder with a DOE number. I received 2,900,000 MREMS of radiation at birth in 1946. I’ve beat cancer two times because as an educated registered nurse I looked beyond AMA doctor’s “practicing” medicine and spent three decades researching how specifically to heal cancer and gain health. When I needed surgery I was able to have eight, starting at age eleven. I took responsibility to learn how to heal and detoxify my body. I’m alive, I have survived and I’ve written about my journey. 3 e-books, poetry, essays and photographs on share my solutions for individual and Global Survival.
There is no one talking about real reform in health care. All I’ve heard or read is that it is all about how many dollars will the AMA Drs. Big Pharma and Medical Insurance get from the hundreds of billions spent by a very sick American population. No debate on real reform has happened yet. That is what I want to be apart of. Why did acupuncture and Chinese herbs eliminate a brain tumor without brain surgery, more deadly radiation or cyotoxic drugs? This from an FBI authorized M.D. and 4th generation Chinese Master Acupuncturist at a fraction of what the AMA way would have cost. Radiation would have killed me like it did my brother at Fred Hutch. I wrote a speech for Dr. Jerry Goh when he was introduced to a Senate gathering.
I am looking at your record with squinted eyes. I and many believe the next election will throw the money changers, i.e. the Corpracrats, out of the Temple of Liberty, i.e., the Capitol. I am a 3rd generation democrat that has been and is very unhappy with the sold out corpracratic democrats.
I’ve been talking with others about replacing you and many others in the Senate & House. Please save me a lot of botheration and change your position to what we the people want instead of the lobbyists.
“God is Truth and Truth is God”, - M. K. Gandhi, my ex-great grand-uncle-in-law.

Respectfully sharing my truth,
Theresa Marie K Gandhi, P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236 360-341-1218
cc: News outlets; internet list serves; my blog, friends and community newspapers in WA State.