Sunday, November 22, 2009

Letters to President Obama March - November 2009

The following are a series of letters I wrote to President Obama this past year.
Not included is a letter to Secretary Chu to please read "The Cult of the Atom" before any new nuclear power plants are approved. It's a history of how the rush to build new power plants uncovered many expensive design flaws that were ignored. Not to mention the 147 year back log of repacking the decades of stored nuclear waste at Hanford. The delays and impossibility of safely storing deadly radioactive wastes may never be solved. It's one of those design flaws that will cost lives and the good health of many for 10,000 years and more. This is a topic I’ve following for decades as a Hanford Downwinder.
I attempted to keep each letter on just one topic. So many of today’s challenges are interlinked that a single issue solved would not resolve the issue. Example: until corporate agriculture gives up mono crops and pesticide use health care costs will continue to go up and global warming will not be able to be solved.
Along with letters to President Obama I wrote and called Congress on these issues.
President Obama did send me a generic Global Warming snail mail but did not address my major issue, i.e. HAARP heating the sky and causing extreme Artic ice melt. President Obama has disappointed me in his choices. I have let him know and offered a different choice.
Swine flu and complications have taken three months out of my life this year. I am still weak from losing 40 pounds and gained another named disease to add to my list.
You never know what one letter can do. A letter to Donald Trump on making peace profitable he turned into a full page ad in the New York Times.
I hope the following inspires you to also communicate especially if you have expertise in an issue where decisions by those in power are being made.
Theresa Marie Gandhi
November 22, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi traded for Peter the Great as Obama Hero

President Obama:
“As you have given me the privilege of communicating with you – I am laying my heart bare. If you find me speaking without reserve and if you think that I seem to transgress the limits that courtesy imposes upon me, pardon me for the liberty I may be taking. If nonviolence is to be evolved in individuals or societies or nations truth has to be told, however harsh or unpopular it may appear to be for the moment.”- Mahatma Gandhi, my great grand uncle by marriage.
Your decisions, actions and appointments have left your heroes and moral progressives aghast and disappointed. Unless you have given up and replaced Mahatma Gandhi, Martin King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez with Peter the Great, Napoleon and Genghis Khan as your heroes you are incongruent.
In 1983 I was offered $30,000,000.00 to launch a campaign that would result in my being President of the USA. I have given thoughtful consideration of the challenges and policy decisions and how specifically my administration would govern. I have explored how to incorporate the principles that Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and others lived that We the People may fulfill the destiny of our American Republic that you lead.
Step one is to Walk your Talk. In this you have failed in so many ways. By not Walking your Talk you dishonor your spoken word, stated heroes, adopted Tribe and a destiny that is yours to choose.
Examples: Cap and Trade Congressional Corpracratic Welfare to dirty Coal dooms our oceans: specifically all shell fish, i.e. 1 billion seed oysters were killed from deep Carbonic Acid Ocean water coming on shore. The Ocean’s carbon dioxide saturation is past the tipping point. The foods that sustain Salmon and Whales like shrimp and krill will disappear. Oceans are dying.
Health Care: Insurance and Big Pharma get bigger profits we get poor care, mandatory insurance payments and high drug costs. Corporate Agriculture detrimentally impacts our health and Global Warming. War with no Peace you are flunking or thinking of you as just another Bush bent on the destruction of our Republic would not come often to mind
I have sent my many constructive communications to you on several topics. Posted @ I had hoped my decades of study, experience and some wisdom could contribute knowledge to you missed by your education, life experience or advisors. Thank you for your letter and for cutting back on HAARP.
I had attended Rep. Norm Dicks Health Care Town Hall Meeting with 1,100 others sharing air just before I got deathly ill with Swine Flu and complications. I had asked Norm: “Why are Stakeholders writing, the so called, Health Care Bill (I had read.) but no Medicaid or Medicare Clients were asked or allowed to participate?” He had no answer. I’d gone door to door for Norm in the 1970s. Because of 2,900,000 MREMS of Hanford’s radiation at birth I’ve been on Medicaid since 1993. An RN my whole life has been about surviving an ongoing death threat.
Apparently placing my Hope in you to lead us into a healthy nonviolent future is not wise. Your stated heroes had connected their hearts with their minds, faced their inner demons and with heart felt compassion inspired others to follow to make changes.
Mr. Obama even though you have dashed my hope in you so many times I will keep you in my prayers that you may know in your heart the inner Presence of a Loving God.

Theresa Marie K. Gandhi, Reverend
Universal Church of the Master, Church Charter 775
November 22, 2009

Mr. Obama You have Lost my Vote

Dear Mr. President,
You have lost my vote! Your promise to Big Pharma that they would not be required to negotiate prices for drugs that Medicare, Medicaid or a Public Option would pay dooms Health Care Reform. This rip off will inflate the cost of these programs without increasing care. This is Corpracratic pay back. Just like Senator Baucus.
Medicaid reductions of $300 million could have easily come from Big Pharma instead of care for those least able to pay will suffer for what will be denied
My hope is dashed as Big Pharma will feel no pain financially but many families and old people will continue to choose between Prescription Drugs and food or heat. Continuing to pay 70% more than other Nations do for Big Pharma products hurts all Americans. $2,000.00 to $4,000 more per person in “Medical Costs” contributes to Insurance Corporations being able to pay $23 million for a CEO. Obscene profits allow current stakeholders to spend $500 million to buy votes, media and Town Hall disruptors.
This is not really Health Care but Medical/Insurance/ Pharmaceuticals getting only as much Reform as stakeholders’ profits will allow. Just like the Clinton Reform it was only about who got to profit.
The root causes of many diseases are not looked for. The War on Cancer is a failure because the focus is not on building healthy bodies and sound minds. When I was told I had two years to live in 1987, I was referred to an Internist, a Neurologist, a Cardiologist and a Gynecologist but no one who looked at my whole body. I surrendered to God and asked for a Miracle.
Gerry Goh, M.D., 4th generation Acupuncturist, herbalist and FBI M.D. treated me and in 1993 he declared me brain tumor and cancer free. His treatment was not covered by my “Medical Insurance Plan.
In 1977 I was denied surgery by Group Health. A private surgeon spent two and a half hours doing surgery and I spent ten days in the hospital. I would have died from sepsis. Trained as a Registered Nurse I knew the risk and paid a very heavy price.
President Obama your choices of Michael Taylor at FDA/Monsanto and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, pro GMO/Monsanto insures that status quo pesticide use will destroy the health of millions and cost hundreds of millions of dollars to treat..
Mr. President you sold out. With a heavy heart and angst I quit as there is no hope.

Former Democratic Precinct Committeewoman; Delegate to Washington State Democratic Convention; Volunteer Democratic National Headquarters 1980 and fourth generation democrat. Democrats and Republicans, like you, are Corpracrats so I quit,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi

250,000 percent mark-up on drug prices are Obscene!
As we have revealed in past issues of "Life Extension," a significant percentage of drugs sold in the United States contain active ingredients made in other countries. In our independent investigation of how much profit drug companies really make, we obtained the actual price of active ingredients used in some of the most popular drugs sold in America.
The information below speaks for itself.
Celebrex 100 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $130.27
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.60 Percent markup: 21,712%;
Claritin 10 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $215.17
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.71 Percent markup: 30,306%;
Norvasec 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $188.29
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.14 Percent markup: 134,493%;
Prevacid 30 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $44.77
Cost of general active ingredients: $1.01 Percent markup: 34,136%;
Prilosec 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $360.97
Cost of general active ingredients $0.52 Percent markup: 69,417%;
Prozac 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $247.47
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.11 Percent markup: 224,973%;
Tenormin 50 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $104.47
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.13 Percent markup: 80,362%;
Vasotec 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $102.37
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.20 Percent markup: 51,185%;
Xanax 1 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $136.79
Cost of general active ingredients: $0.024 Percent markup: 569,958%; and
Zoloft 50 mg Consumer price: $206.87
Cost of general active ingredients: $1.75 Percent markup: 11, 821% .
Since the cost of prescription drugs is so outrageous, I thought everyone I knew should know about this. (...) Well we all know the drug companies make obscene profits but little did I know just how obscene they really are when it comes to ripping off an ever increasing number of sick people in the world.
August 8, 2009

One billion Ocean Shore Canaries are dead.

Is ACES (HR2454) and U.S. Senate a Danger to Global Warming Solutions?
The American Energy and Security Act of 2009 ACES (Voted 219 - 212 in House) is an embarrassment and our Congressional Representative should know what you think. If made into a law with out significant changes in the Senate it will cause you, President Obama, to be very embarrassed before the Global Community of Nations and Tribes that will gather in Copenhagen this December for COP15 - Global Warming Treaty making.
ACES gives billions of dollars of Cap and Trade pollution permits to the Coal Industry; guts enforcement by the EPA; and does not require, nor give enforcement power to require the changes that are necessary to be made sooner rather than later. The valuable Cap and Trade permits given for “free” will most likely drive the next Wall Street coup d’etat.
Later is too late as the tipping point has already been reached in the Pacific Ocean. We’ve been told the oceans will be dead in forty years. To solve the interwoven problems some American “Sacred Cows”, like coal, diesel – ubiquitous petroleum products and corporate chemical agriculture will need to be open to changes that must be made to avert immediate unthinkable consequences.
One billion oysters, “Shore Canaries”, are dead! Deep ocean water have since 2005 been saturated with carbon dioxide thus turning the normally alkaline ocean waters into Carbonic Acid. Driven by northern winds the deep acid ocean waters have washed ashore killing One Billion Seed Oysters. This acid ocean water will kill shell-fish and shrimp, a major food of Northwest and Alaskan Salmon.
The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage “Patch” is 60’ deep, the size of Texas and made up mostly of petro-chemical products. Ghost reefs made up of petro-chemical fishing nets and ropes trap and kill massive numbers of the ocean’s multiple species. For the first time the Dead Zone from the Mississippi River’s Agra-biz chemical runoffs reaches all the way to the bottom of the Gulf and is huge. Dead Zones are found around the planet as lack of oxygen kills all life.
The quality of our common future and the least of us depend upon what we do:
Because our oceans are dying; our food growing seeds and soils are poisoned; as are the aquifers our foods use to grow. Every half hour an Indian farmer drinks ¾ cup of RoundUp® by Monsanto to commit suicide. Monsanto in charge of food production in India is a huge disaster. It may happen here, as President Obama has appointed Michael Taylor a former Monsanto Executive as EPA Food Safety Czar.
Because the Health of all earths’ peoples and species are at risk unless major public policy choices are made that will be very difficult, require sacrifice and a new paradigm; Because so many have given us the tools, wisdom, compassion and courage to know that we can made a difference;
Please made a law that puts into place mandates, enforcement and real incentives that will promote the changes that are needed to be made in public policies worthy of you, our Global Leader, representing we the people to set a strong moral example to the gathered world leaders in December in order to create a Global Warming Treaty that agrees to make changes to stop the harmful practices that contribute to Global Warming.
War contributes a huge amount of polluting particulate matter in Earth’s skies, waters and our air. It consumes almost 50% of our petroleum use and is a huge contributor to Global Warming. Nano particles of depleted uranium are now circulating the globe with deadly radioactive dust. 3.6 million watts of electricity used by HAARP to stretch out the ionosphere and direct associated war making programs are contributing to generations of problems yet to come from technologies impacting our atmosphere on a regular basis and this can not be good. Today we experience severe weather more often than ever before. Common sense says there’s a link.
Please Mr. President, we are counting on your leadership as the Corpracratic Congress is unable to get beyond self interest of corporate donors and make hard choices for the survival of humanity and the oceans. Are you able to rise above being the first to spend a billion dollars to be President?

Thank you.

Lobbyists Paying to Write Health Care Their Way

Dear President Obama,
The Senate Finance Committee has secured their personal fortunes and sold out the American public. Trying to get bi- partisan support from Corpracrats is futile and unwise. The following no longer represent the people only the Corporations that have bought them off. This way of conducting the people’s business needs to change.
There are 100 members of the Senate, but these six, inexplicably, seem to be holding all the cards when it comes to health care.

So you probably won't be surprised to learn that all six have taken a huge amount of money from the health insurance industry and Big Pharma.* The following Senators should be shunned and charges brought against them:
Senator and Lifetime contributions from Insurance/Pharma
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)
$1,203,205 (I heard $3.4 million.-tmg)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Sen. Mike Enzi (R-NV)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)

These six senators — who, by the way, represent only 2.74% of Americans — are writing bad policy, and they're doing it while they take money from the very companies who stand to benefit the most.
I read HR3200’s Public Option and it must stay in. $23 million to an Insurance executive could cover a lot of people with excellent care. “Free Market” Profiteering does not belong in what should be not-for-profit care giving.
If I had surrendered to Group Health denying me surgery that saved my life in 1977 I would have been dead three decades ago and a lot of people would be worst off for my not doing what I have with my life. If I had not taken desperate measures to live I would be a US Senator today or at the least working in the Senate.
Sincerely outraged at Profiteers,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
July 30, 2009

Obama Monsanto's Talyor FDA Food Czar

Dear President Obama and White House Folks,
I thought maybe you understood how the Monsanto products, i.e RoundUp, etc. are linked with a number of diseases: erect penile dysfunction, testicular atrophy, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, etc. because these products are endocrine disruptors and feminize males. Herbicides, pesticides and products designed to kill make for sick people who incur major health care expenses. GMO seeds like RoundUp Ready are even worse. I have over 1,800 files proving the link between herbicides (sometimes called pesticides), that is Monsanto products that according to peer review scientific studies are linked with several diseases.
Demark has banned their products because they migrate into the water table.
The following news tells me your knowledge and that of your Cabinet is either lacking or you have a very dark agenda.
According to "The 100 Year Lie" by Fitzgerald testicular atrophy is up 600% since these products of Monsanto came on the market. Fitzgerald has created a time line of diseases and their increase and chemicals created. Monsanto's products are directly connected to over $100 million in health care costs.
If this is bad enough YOU put Monsanto in charge of "Food Safety".
“In a Tuesday afternoon press release, the FDA announced that Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto executive, had joined the agency as “senior advisor to the commissioner.” If the title is vague, the portfolio (pasted from the press release) is substantial—a kind of food czar of the Food and Drug Administration….” clip from Tom Philpott on “Monsanto’s Taylor FDA Food Czar”.

Monsanto Runs the FDA?
Monsanto, Monsanto
evil and mean
lies and hides
truth from sight
by might of law
with no oversight.
With corporate folk
guarding the gate
closed and shut
truth hid and gone
with no oversight
as profits are the pride
truth must hide.
Health takes a slide
millions will die
as Monsanto’s guys, run the FDA
truth hides, out of sight
as Congress and Cabinet are bought off
with no oversight, to stop a blight.

July 9, 2009
© Copyright Theresa Marie K. Gandhi February 23, 2006

Sky Shield of Barium -Aluminum Very Bad Idea

Professor John P. Holdren, Director Office of Science and Technology
Executive Office of the President, 725 17th St., Room 5228
Washington, D.C. 20502

Dear Director Holdren:
It has come to my attention that the Global Warming crisis has opened up a discussion on ways to possibly geo-engineer the climate as a potential emergency option. You should ask to be briefed on a planet wide program to spray barium, aluminum oxide, and other chemicals at high elevation that expand to create a cloud cover from horizon to horizon after multiple passes from the military planes at high elevation since 1998. Some pilots have gotten bored with just straight back and forth to fill the sky and instead make huge horizon to horizon tic-tac-toes grids. A sunny day becomes overcast.
I have witnessed this happening in four states. Polarized sunglasses make the cloud cover look like oil slicks. Not so with con-trails. Videos, books and web pages have shared captured images with several million people. Heavy chem-trails (common name confirmed with tests) were observed everyday for more than 45 days at a time. During this time no rain or snow fell. Drought records were broken in state after state. Even during the monsoon season spray equaled no rain.
There are several unintended consequences (or maybe not) of this ongoing eleven year program. Several countries have reported and recorded chem-trails. Chem-trails are showing up in films and on television as it is hard to have days when the sky is clear.
Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of barium which does not occur naturally or normally. The pH of soils is being changed and crops are acquiring unexpected problems as farmers are perplexed as to why this is happening.
Even if this is part of HAARP; the Navy’s RFMP military program; the Air Force controlling the weather; or biological tests of DAARPA the consequences are too high.
Ongoing chronic and acute illnesses have resulted with physicians stumped as to what is causing a new syndrome. This has increased health care costs. Specifically a nationwide epidemic increase in cases of nose bleed, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory symptoms (that last and last) and a noticeable increase in arthritis symptoms. The chemical changes on the planet create conditions detrimental to health because it creates conditions just right for harmful mold and fungus. Not to mention the link between aluminum and the epidemic of memory loss, Alzheimers, and dementia.
Attached are articles by just two of the investigators that have reported and recorded the “mystery” program patented by Eastland.
Rather than trying to patch a problem why not get to the root and stop what is causing the problem? Prevention is always less expensive than a maybe solution. I have a few ideas on probable solutions. I’ve been discussing Global Survival with world leaders since 1983.

Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
July 1, 2009

Red Alert 1 billion Oysters killed by Acid Ocean shorewaters

June 16, 2009
Acid Ocean killing Billions of Shellfish – Red Alert!
Dear President Barack Obama
Thank you for your June 2nd letter.
One billion dead seed oysters from acid ocean waters are a huge Red Alert.*
In 1980 I assembled a bibliography of the “Economic Viability of the Marine Resources” for Puget Sound. Seed oysters were a huge contributor to the potential of hundreds of millions of dollars in 1970 dollars is a reality now. The Japanese in the 1970s were buying wild seed oysters from Washington to grow on rafts producing 15,000 pounds of protein per surface acre. * Clip of front page article in Seattle Times follows.
Carbon dioxide absorption capacity of the North Pacific has hit a “tipping point”. Now acidic ocean waters are being pulled from deep waters onto Washington and Oregon shore waters where for the past four years seed oysters are no longer able to grow. The same problem can dissolve the shells of a primary food source of Pacific Northwest Salmon. Chinook salmon are already listed as an Endangered Species. Farm raise salmon hurts my liver. The signs are dire. One billion dead seed oysters (the canaries in the ocean) have delivered a very dire warning!
The Corpracrats (democratic and republican) representing vested interests of their corporate contributors are standing in the way of taking the actions that will be needed to solve the problem of the oceans becoming acidic. In the mean time the oceans have less than forty years before they are dead maybe even sooner for major parts of it. No coal is ‘clean’. So called plans for making coal clean burning are decades away thanks to Congressional Corpracrats rewarding major contributors with free Cap and Trade vouchers, delayed compliance dates, etc.
My life’s focus has been on finding solutions to the major challenges we are facing today. Married to a relative of Mahatma Gandhi I researched and wrote how specifically to apply the principles of M.K. Gandhi. I strategized with world leaders on global survival at Oxford, etc.
From your actions and appointments it is apparent that there are gaps in your education and among your advisors on how specifically to solve the many difficult and different challenges that are linked together and need to be solved at the same time.
Not since the 1980 Global 2000 Report to President Carter in three volumes has anyone addressed multiple problems and their relationship. It was the first and only report by any national government on the economic, demographic, resource, and environmental future of the world. It sold over 1.5 million copies in eight languages. I bought a copy and read it. The Japanese had it translated and formed a commission to study how to avert the problems for our common future that the report revealed. Ask President Carter about it. Please read it or delegate an update of the thirty year old report. Comparing the two could provide justification to make major changes.
There is a way to solve the ‘energy crisis’ along with all of the linked challenges but you dismissed the internet writers’ third most asked question of you without thought or investigation. (Contrary to your statement that you didn’t like to comment on issues that you had not studied.) I have been assembling an economic briefing packet for your consideration of a solution that could solve several problems and bring in huge amounts of money (several trillion in 10 years). Over 500 economists agree with me, some from Harvard. It is comprehensive and referenced.
Do you want to know what would solve the challenges of: 1) Global Warming: 2) Agra-biz contributing to huge increases in medical costs; logging of the last 3% of old growth forests for toilet paper; reduce crime and the cost of prisons; and produce jobs for millions of people?
I await your reply and request for the briefing packet on how specifically to solve a number of critically linked challenges. Would you like it digital, via mail or both? Is there a general systems policy staff member to address it too specifically?

Speaking and working for Our Seventh Generation,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi

Obama Global Warming from HAARP not Addressed

June 16, 2009
Global Warming from HAARP not Addressed
President Barack Obama:
Thank you for your June 2nd letter in response to my communicating to you my concerns about Global Warming. The form letter signed by you most likely by one of those signature machines I saw at the Religious Broadcasters Convention is appreciated.
You did not respond to a very important issue that I raised, i.e. HAARP.
In Gakona, Alaska, HAARP using 3.6 million watts of electricity is sending focused beams to the ionosphere to heat and bow it for over the horizon targeting for a number of uses. When the USA, Russia and other countries use these technologies it puts a huge amount of energy into our weather system. Common sense says this has contributed to Extreme Severe Weather Events. Extreme Arctic Ice Melt is happening and again common sense would say there is a link to heating the Artic sky.
For more than just common sense Dr. Nick Begich, Senator Begich’s brother, has written extensively with footnotes and patents of the technology used by the HAARP system. Also noted in one of Nick’s book is a quote from the Air Force calling for the ability to control the weather as a “Force Multiplier”. Ask Dr. Nick Begich or read any of his books from
As Commander-in-Chief I can understand your belief in the need for such a system but HEATING THE IONOSPHERE CONTRIBUTES TO GLOBAL WARMING and is not smart. Always unintended consequences happen as with HAARP and Global Warming.
Major Ed Dames, former trainer for the military, teaches remote viewing. He and his team have tasked and “seen” the atmosphere with “Swiss cheese” rips from pole to pole. Could HAARP have done this?
Dumping millions of tons of chemicals high in the sky has not solved the root problem of Global Warming. Unless the chem-trails are also a part of HAARP. Instead the barium, aluminum and ? chemicals are changing the pH of food crop soils and the oceans world wide. I have witnessed since 1998 the chemical-trails being laid down in grid patterns in four states and then spreading out and clouding the sky. I know it is very wide spread. Ask Major Ed Dames. His oath of secrecy prevented him from saying more but “no comment” often speaks volumes.
Could you please call together the other Nations that are using the HAARP technology and get everyone to agree to STOP HEATING THE SKY?
If not could you please explain why?

Speaking and working for Our Seventh Generation,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi

A Missile for a Stone -A Jewish State but no Palestinian Home

President Obama, Commander-in-Chief;
American made weapons paid for by the billions the US gave Israel were used recently to kill 1419 Palestinians, more than 400 children and left thousands seriously wounded without adequate medical care, shelter or food. Many more will die from the US made genotoxic D.I.M.E. weapons that took so many children’s legs and left 100% rapid causing deadly cancer toxins embedded within their bodies that kill within weeks or months. Many died from burning to death from the insides from white phosphorous. Fourth generation nuclear weapons, i.e. DU weapons, creates ceramic nano particles upon explosion invading bodies in various ways. (DU weapons are killing American Armed Forces warriors that use them.)
Eight Israelis were killed by Palestinians, five were killed by friendly fire but Israel gives the Palestinians credit for killing all thirteen.
Your marriage to Israel needs full disclosure. We are watching your actions because your speaking has lost credibility as your words don’t always match your actions. Please walk your talk. Please get all the facts before you make a decision as it has been very apparent that corporate truth is your truth but not really the whole truth.
I’m preparing a number of well researched briefings for you on a variety of topics. In the mean time:

A Missile for a Stone - a Jewish State but no Palestinian Home!
The roots of war, in a Jewish town
is fear from the camps, spread all around
in Gaza strip, on the West Bank
are refugee camps, filled with Jewish hate.
Locking up Moslems, who hate
as Nazi atrocities, become Jewish bait
as what is feared, is dished out hate
that feeds and grows, as hate feeds hate.
Containing it, won’t stop hate
to lock up a lie, it just doesn’t die
but festers and grows
and kids who throw rocks
at US tanks and US planes
armed with missiles, with electronic brains
shoots down kids, who throw stones
because where they live, is surrounded by hate.
For decades they went, petition in hand
to courts with laws, in every land
but Jewish fear and an Israeli state
sealed the words, out at the gate
no way, no reason, no court, no law
would go against, illogical Jewish law
of a right to exist, as a Jewish State
a right not given, to Palestinians of late
so a third world war, brews and grows
from fear instilled, a long time ago
so an eye for an eye, a missile for a stone
a Jewish state, but no Palestinian home.

© Copyright Theresa Marie K. Gandhi 3/3/2002

War Profiteering in an Illegal War -a poem

War profiteering in an illegal war
is truly sinful – shall I tell you more?
War not declared by Congress it’s said
is not a war as the media says.

Economic stimulus two such words
hiding lies way too big for words.
Money so huge and for 15 years back
goes back to the bad boys
the corporate thugs – General Motors
GE, Enron, Chevron/Texaco and yes
IBM – how could you guess
that Alternative Minimum – a retroactive non-tax
means Corporations pay less than zero - which is no tax
but corporate welfare to global giants
who can now hide profits outside of our land.

Never before but now legal it is
to hide corporate profits overseas.
Just the lost tax money admitted the 1st year
would be $12 billion no longer there.

Jews died with ease with IBM punch cards to tell
Nazi killers how to organize well
gets back $1.4 billion – IBM won’t tell.

In the millions – hundreds that is
General Motor $833, $671 to GE
$572 to Chevron/Texaco and $254 for Enron
hundreds of millions to stimulate greed.
Congress passed it and the Senate at night.
We must speak up and stop this blight
as an economic stimulus funds corporate flight!

Sent to President Obama 5-23-09

* “In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial (Congressional) complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge (Congressional), industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” - President Eisenhower 1/17/1961 General Eisenhower farewell address, Congress was also to be feared but was edited out at the last minute. I would add Corporate Agriculture, Big Media, Insurance, Medicine and Pharmaceutical Corporations that put profit above the greater good.

© Copyright Theresa Marie K. Gandhi August 8, 2008

Obama -Why listen to me -Suggestions

President Obama,
I support your budget and please do not listen to the money washed republican Corpracrats. There are democratic Corpracrats you need to also be careful of. President Eisenhower edited out the word Congressional when he warned us of the military industrial congressional complex. And please, trickle down does not work. Please bury it.
Why would you listen to me? Ever since being offered an internship with Senator Warren Magnusson in the early seventies I have educated and prepared myself to be a United States Senator. In 1980 while volunteering at Democratic National Headquarters so that Ron Reagan would not win I got a bill out of committee. In 1988 I got a law made making October 2nd a National Day of Recognition for Mahatma Gandhi and shook hands with President Reagan in the Oval Office. Since 1982 I have researched, applied and taught the moral and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi with a focus on how specifically to achieve inner and world peace. Staying on truth and being non-violent in thought, word and deed is a passion and moment to moment experience for me. As an ordained minister knowing the constant Presence of God makes life worth living and is a gift to be used wisely. In 1983 I married a relative of Mahatma Gandhi.
Thank you for being open to communications from us common folk – some of us are wise and can see from afar the forest of unwise advice and even lies you have to weave your way through to find truth and wisdom. Our history of Presidents is filled with grievous attacks on those with the courage to make changes that took power from the powerful. I know you are one who can with the backing of common Americans as your constituency implement the changes that could restore and invigorate our Republic. Keep talking to us to let us know what you are doing and why and what we can do to help you.
I, like you, don’t speak unless I know the issues and know that I can back up what I say with reliable sources, references, peer reviewed scientific studies and have a probable solution to contribute to the challenge.
I campaigned for you by telling over 500 friends, family and fellow social justice activists to tell five people to tell five people, etc. to vote for you. Three Bush coup d’etats ended by blackmailing Congress that if they didn’t submit and give money to Wall St. martial law would be declared. And GW Bush signing an Executive Order authorizing 10 million uses of sonar that could kill the last marine mammal was too much. Another time I’ll communicate some of my Comments on the U.S. Navy NWTRC draft EIS/OEIS 2008. They and other examples of my work with photos can be found on my blog via my web page;
1. When you put the foxes who robbed the hen house in charge of designing, rebuilding and installing anti-theft procedures I knew we were in big trouble. The coup d’etat from the power elite bankers worked and America could be forever under the thumb of a powerful cabal. It’s not too late to get rid of the foxes. Will you?
2. Only you can request the State Department or Department of Commerce in preparation for COP15 in Copenhagen in December establish a Working Group on Global Warming and its relationship to ionospheric heaters, i.e. Star Wars. HAARP uses weapons of mass destruction technology that can be used for modifying the ionosphere over very large areas for "over-the-horizons" telecommunications disruption, creating computer errors and perhaps even creating negative biological effects. What is known from other government documents, HAARP planning documents and International Red Cross documents is that what is possible with these new systems could have global catastrophic consequences. The HAARP system intends to beam 3.6 million Gig watts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere and then use it as a weapon or at the least control the weather as a “force multiplier”. This energy drives extreme weather and creates climate disruption on a scale never seen before. Humanity and the continued existence of the west coast plus…. depends upon your considered thought, decision and action in this regard.
When you heat the sky to bow it to control and target over the horizon Extreme Ice melt occurs and temperatures have risen at least 4 degrees in Alaska, home of HAARP. Talk with Senator Mark Begich of Alaska about the work his brother Nick has done in researching and writing books about the patents, capability and implications of the technology that is online in Gakona, Alaska. I’m sure you have been briefed about the military uses of this technology but not the probable grievous harm.
Studying the history of geo-political strategic military actions I understand the need to have a security system on our northwestern frontier that can monitor the skies of the whole planet. The collateral damage could be the elimination of all artic ice sooner than we could possibly imagine. The perma frost is turning into swamp and the ripples could go around the world.
President Obama we need your leadership to admit what we, the Soviets and other countries are doing in the artic and in space and decide for the sake of humanity, the global coastal residents and our seventh generation to solve the issues that have gotten us to the present but may prevent us from having a future.
3. As a radioactive Hanford downwinder in the future I will communicate with you my research on the history of the Atomic Energy Commission, fourth generation nuclear weapons, i.e. Deplete Uranium and the poison gas created upon explosion. My bread board held up the drafting table where the Enola Gay was modified to be able to carry the bombs to Japan.
4. The USDA is one of the biggest contributors to the ill health and high medical expenses of Americans. Corporate farming is making Americans obese and malnourished at the same time. Your Secretary of Agriculture will not understand this link nor will he enable healthy organic farming that produces mineral rich wholesome alive and healthy food. My care giver son grows organic food so I may live. Please do not sign H.R 875 “The Food Safety and Modernization Act” into law. It is poorly written and makes it harder maybe impossible for organic family farms to stay in business. Monsanto is a bad actor and needs to be examined.
5. Can you please make sure that the State Department, the Military, law enforcement, prisons and schools teach conflict resolution techniques developed by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez and used by Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller? After 40 years in the United Nations he became the Chancellor at the University of Peace in Costa Rica but was only paid $1.00 a year with no support staff. Could you please fund the University for Peace and the U.S. Peace University? Or could you ask the United Nations to do so? Learning non-violent conflict mediation is very important if peace is to be possible.
Before we marched across America in Operation SALT March in 1984 I learned from Ford Motor Company that Peace is a threat to National Security. This should not be so.
Thank you for your kind consideration of the issues I have raised. I would like to shake the hand of the President with the courage to tackle and solve the challenges I have touched upon today. I hope you will be open to receiving my questions and suggestions in the future.

With sincere thanks for your being President,
Theresa Marie Kothari Gandhi
Whidbey Island Chemically Injured Network
Whidbey Island No Spray
Green Party of Island County
March 26, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Navy Requests to "Take" Kill or Strand Marine Mammals 650,000 times

August 17, 2009
By Electronic Mail

Michael Payne, Chief
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permits, Conservation and Education Division
Office of Protected Resources
1313 E – W Hwy
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3225

Re: 0648-AX88 NWTRC request Marine Mammal Take Permit rule change.

Chief Michael Payne:

I submitted 24 pages of comments on the NWTRC EIS/OEIS. 5,300 characters documented Navy’s sonar Taking kills 700 - 4000 endangered marine species a year. Navy expert said new sonar is felt for 300 miles.

Two dead whales near Olympia June 2009 were found after residents felt a pulse (sonar?) that knocked out electricity & locked doors. A sonar test at PSNS locked every car on auto row. In the 1,068 page NWTRC EIS nowhere were effects to shore populations from Puget Sound to San Diego of the Navy’s sonar frequencies going past the littoral mentioned. If 215 decibels of sonar explodes marine mammal brains at 180 decibels what does it do to humans?

NMFS has proposed a rule that would allow the Navy "to take" –harass, injure or kill marine mammals 130,000 times a year for five years for 650,000 acoustic assaults. Even within the 1.3% of the NWTR area that is the Olympic National Marine Mammal Sanctuary. There should be a 300 mile safe zone around the Sanctuary.
Why would you allow this violation? This is contrary to your stated Mission Statement.

There are major stressors on marine mammals: only 1.7 of 13 million sockeye returned to the Fraser River; Carbonic Acid ocean water killed a billion seed oysters and can dissolve salmon and thus marine mammal food sources. Together global warming and Navy sonar could cause mass extinction of marine mammal species.

If the Navy’s request of the “whole mango” is allow by NMFS how will you justify the extinctions? What is your back up plan to recreate marine mammals after they are gone? Please uphold your mission, protect marine mammals and deny the Navy its request for Take permits.

Theresa Marie Gandhi
Educated to protect earth and ocean species for our 7th generation.
P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236

Attachments: Northwest Training Complex –Comments submitted March 9, 2009
Marine Mammals Deaths and Naval Hubris – submitted March 9, 2009

cc: Rep. Rick Larsen
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Patti Murray
Various Media

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Comments on NWTRC Navy's 1,068 EIS/OEIS

Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Kimberly Kler, Environmental Planner
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest
1101 Tautog Circle, Suite 203
Silverdale, WA 98315-1101 360-396-0927
March 9, 2009

Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
Whidbey Island Chemically Injured Network
P.O. Box 437
Clinton, WA 98236

Howdy Kimberly,
The three documents plus this one I submit as my “Comments on Northwest Training Range Complex EIS/OEIS Draft December 2008” Document three and four are references for statements made in document one and two. In the specific “Comment” document I have used italics for my statements and underlined my recommendations. Material taken from the EIS/OEIS Draft is in quotes with section and page number noted. I am qualified to make these statements because of: a year of college organic chemistry; eight years of immersion in “best available science” on toxic chemicals in the environment; marine species and humans. I have hundreds of documents on this topic that have been used to make comments on several draft Environmental Impact Statements. Official Comments have been submitted by this writer on topics related to: herbicides for roadside vegetation control; Salmon Plan for WIRA 6; Island County Critical Areas and Wetlands regulations and U.S. Department of the Interior’s BLM EIS to apply thousands of pounds of herbicides to one million acres in Western States for Fire Suppression.
Reading the draft EIS/OEIS has raised my blood pressure as I experience incredibility, disbelief, skepticism and even outrage at the hubris of Former President Bush, his Secretary of Defense, the Commander, U.S. Naval Fleet and those who assembled the draft NWTRC EIS/OEIS.
The Navy’s analysis of the potential environmental impacts to the human environment that “may” result from the U.S. Navy’s Historical “No change” Alternative of ongoing practices; Proposed Actions of the preferred Expanded Alternatives and proposed increased naval activities within a greatly expanded NWTRC are severely lacking in comprehensive credible science. “Science” referenced and references are found to be old and inaccurate when compared to “best available science”. Assumptions, declarations and statements extrapolated from the “science” referenced are thus found to be inaccurate. This means that historical, ongoing and preferred expanded alternatives will expose marine species, habitats, aquatic life and near shore inhabitants, i.e. people, too much greater harm than claimed by this EIS/OEIS draft. I found “scientific” studies lacking credibility with inaccurate conclusions. Whales that wash up dead on the beaches of Whidbey Island, there of been several, have to be disposed of at a hazardous waste facility. The draft writers’ assumptions that toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes from training activities and operations would not experience bioaccumulation up the food chain to human consumption marine species and marine mammals are not based on “best available science”. Southern Puget Sound Orca Whales are one of the most toxic burdened species on the planet.
As a Hanford Downwinder born north along the Columbia River in 1946 I had to research radiation in all it forms in order to overcome death by cancer from exposure to radiation. Department of Energy - DOE # TCDF58 is my number as part of the dose reconstruction project having received a minimum of 2,900,000 MREMS in my sixty three years. My greatest exposure came before birth and for the first two years of life. As part of a family and community cancer cluster I scattered my 41 year old brother’s ashes after he had tightened the bolts of a nuclear reactor in a submarine with paper booties for protection. Of the four out of six in my immediate family experiencing cancer, three are dead.
Radiation’s “No Apparent Danger” is not true. The NWTRC EIS/OEIS Draft referencing a thirty-five year old report: “Ecological Considerations of Depleted Uranium Munitions” assembled at Los Alamos, NM weapons laboratory before the most recent generation of DU weapons were used in combat and could not possibly addresses the issues raised after nineteen years of use. Nor could claims made by the U.S. Navy or any branch of the military on the “harmlessness” of deplete uranium weapons be credible. Testing large particles of uranium does not and can not be used to say what the pulverized matter created by use of these weapons would do to humans or aquatic life. Depleted Uranium weapons are fourth generation nuclear weapons and their use violates several international treaties, conventions and agreements. (See
Depleted “nano particles” of exploded Uranium, which forms a poison gas, are not less harmful just because large particles in another form had tested so. These are some of many government and military lies told in the “Name of National Security”. (See “Experts on Radiation, document 3 of 4).
The mists of exploding DU weapons into nanoparticiles are no where referenced in this NWTCR Draft EIS/OEIS. One thirty-five year old of two references used large particles of uranium in the studies referenced. If they had studied the poison mists of nanoparticiles of DU the results would have been kept secret. Military and government agents have threatened those whose investigations showed extreme cancer risk from the nanoparticiles with loss of job, homes burned and lives were threatened. Radiation experts, Japanese investigators and medical personnel were denied entry into Iraq.
I’ve prepared a six page abstract of “Experts in DU Radiation Effects” including the professional credentials of the researchers, doctors and investigators. Studies on the nano particles of tungsten are probably rare or lacking. And it maybe that the DU bombs vaporized to date that are greater than or equal to the fall out of 83,000 Hiroshima sized bombs also contained tungsten, I don’t know. The radioactivity trail of the uranium was easier to track.
“Marine Mammal Deaths and Naval Hubris” backs up the validity of my statements regarding marine mammal’s deaths with references. Data provided by the draft EIS/OEIS and a document search regarding the multiple “takings”, i.e. killing, of marine mammals with the use of mid-frequency active sonar use are cited.
These two documents are included as part of my comments for a total of four documents submitted as my Comments on the NWTRC EIS/OEIS draft. (Identified as document 1 of 4 TmkG.)
“Best available science” is often not considered if it is not looked for. Washington State Department of Transportation -WSDOT proved that in their EIS process by only considering comments from Chemicals Corporations on implications or effects of potential harm for humans and aquatic species of their products. Ignored were hundreds of “best available scientific studies” proving the link between the chemical formulations used and their endocrine dysfunction aspects on species exposed. Many of the chemicals in the formulations have been linked with the feminization of males, decreased sperm counts species wide and linked with erect penile dysfunction, testicular cancer in humans and a number of other terminal diseases. Island County had the scientific findings put before them until they stopped using all herbicides for roadside vegetation control.
WSDOT ignored the endocrine dysfunction “peer review scientific studies” submitted that resulted in the Secretary of Transportation requesting an EIS process to look at issues I had raised. Washington Toxics Coalition submitted eighteen pages addressing all of the issues ignored in the EIS and WSDOT, like the Navy is likely to do, deemed the comments “too comprehensive and complete” to be dealt with. The comments were not included in the final EIS document but rather the claim was made that WSDOT was taking care not to harm humans or the environment.
Including a report of a process of framing an EIS so as to not honestly examine very valid issues of potential harm done by WSDOT is not unlike what the Navy is doing with the current NWTRC EIS/OEIS draft. This puts the entire integrity of the process of securing a final NWTRC EIS/OEIS by the U.S. Navy in the column of dishonesty conducted with a lack of valor.
I am skeptical that the Navy will heed the implications of “best available science” because of my experience over seven years in dealing with WSDOT that held itself “an island onto itself”. It took five years of work by a small group of Whidbey Island citizens using “best available science” that resulted in WSDOT now using 30% less toxic chemicals on all State Routes. 2008 use of herbicides is a 70% reduction from the highest amount used in 1993.
It appears that the U.S. Navy does not honor the concept of a Sanctuary nor do they think they are subject to many current laws and international agreement regarding Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary - OCNMS. Instead the Navy WANTS every square nautical miles of the 122,440 and have secured a permit to kill, “take” marine mammals if when and where they so choose even from a small part of the totally vast NWTRC area. The OCNMS is only 1.3% of the 122,440 square nautical miles but the U.S. Navy must have even this small part.
Like the claim the Navy is making based on inappropriate scientific studies that no harm will come to humans, marine species, their habitats or the environment. This reasoning lacks Common Sense.
The Endangered Species Act carries fines against anyone, agency or government body who harms the habitat of Chinook salmon or salmonid at $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 per fish. As all of Whidbey Island near shore is Chinook habitat it is especially applicable to this draft EIS proposal. A lawsuit against the Navy for a massive fish kill from a small sized explosion off of NAS Whidbey using one of its smaller bombs does not bode well for endangered Chinook salmon. This fish kill was witnessed. How many are not?
Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Atlantic, Chum salmon and Steelhead Trout with eight additional species of salmon are listed as Endangered. An additional twenty-five are threatened as the salmon population supports the whale populations which are in serious decline with eighteen marine mammals species listed as Endangered Species. This delicate balance for so many species of marine mammals that are close to tipping into extinction will surely be harmed and extinction hastened by the Navy’s proposed “Preferred Alternative”, its activities and insistence on using the 1.3% of 122,440 square nautical miles of the Olympic National Marine Mammal Sanctuary. Marine mammals and populations of fish in the tens of thousands will be eliminated because naval personnel lacked the will to figure out a way to not do so. This is embarrassing.
I know the Strategic Military Thinking that mandates the U.S. Navy carry out a mission as directed by the Commander in Chief, President Obama. This current draft that we are discussing was started when President Bush held that position. The whole process is flavored with the same hubris President Bush used to fabricate intelligence to take our valued troops to war against a country that had not attacked us on 9-11. Over 500,000 of those very same veterans wounded mentally or physically are currently homeless and denied health care by denying the link between military service and harm. (See
In the Navy’s EIS scoping process the issue is that inappropriate scientific studies are being use to imply no harm will come to marine species and environment, humans and their environments. Thirty-five and fifty year old reports of studies are so out of date that the use of them as references to validate statements within the NWTRC EIS/OEIS contributes to the hubris that the Navy only need to carry out the form but not the substance of a valid look at what could and will in fact harm marine mammals, aquatic life and degrade the environment so valued by residents of the states impacted.
If it is true and is allowed to stand that President G.W. Bush signed an Executive Order authorizing the National Marine Fisheries Service to issue an LOA authorizing 10 million uses of the U.S. Navy’s new sonar through 2014 contrary to the Marine Mammals Act ensures the Death of The Last of Earth’s Whales and Marine Mammals. The hubris of authorizing the elimination of multiple marine species is a violation of multiple International Treaties, Agreements, Federal law, Federal and State Court decrees and laws of other Countries and their Court’s rulings is unacceptable.
The Navy has committed critical errors of omission of “best available science”, obvious obfuscation of data input and study parameters with the results of science based upon inadequate or comprehensive understanding of the true facts. This disregard of the implications of the effects of these toxic chemicals for multiple species generational integrity is unacceptable. Even if the makers of these agents of death had to fabricate or misdirect research efforts to gain approval and if this was done in the “Name of National Security” no one outside of “Need to Know” would be allowed to “Know”.
Manipulation of science has been done in the past by various aspects of government and the chemical industry. The only lawsuit filed against the Manhattan Project was to protect duPont Chemical Ltd of liability for killing a goat and all life on a New Jersey farm with a fluoride release from their plant making it for atomic bombs. Dr. Harold C. Hodge, chief of fluoride toxicity studies for the Manhattan project became the leading national proponent of fluoridating public drinking water. Dr. Hodge was sent to New York University at Rochester to fabricate science to prove fluoride harmless. Fluoride is not harmless. Reference “Project Censored” USC -Sonoma.
The ultimate result of shortening the lives of those who will be exposed to the toxic exhaust; weapon fragments; radioactive nano particles; salt water columns and bottoms littered with very toxic chemicals, hazardous waste and other byproducts of the U.S. Navy conducting training activity is unacceptable. No valid scientific studies were conducted to prove the assumptions that these materials will not harm marine life.
This lack of ingenuity, creative thinking, innovation and alternatives is disappointing given the good intentions of the majority of our military service naval commanders, officers, service men, women, support staff and support industries. Where is the American can do to preserve life? Has the expectation of acceptable collateral damage of innocents been woven into the military thinking of those we expect to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic?
I do not dispute the mandate given to the U.S. Naval Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet. I was raised with patriotic pride as the step-daughter of a Korean War Navy veteran; daughter of thirty year Coast Guard cook; sister of brother serving the Navy for six years. My nephew, 20+ years with Army Special Forces has been in Iraq since 2003. I am the grandmother of an Air Force Registered Nurse in Germany and second cousin to Robert Hanley, a former Commander in the Sixth Fleet. I have the highest regard for the U.S. Navy and all who serve our country whether by water, air or land.
I do object to the process, road blocks with the comment computer and limited notice among other issues. Did you confer with Vice President Cheney on how to keep the process secret? The Senators and four Congressmen from Oregon would probably agree as they have written to the Secretary of the Navy to extend the Comment Period to April 11, 2009. They did so citing inadequate notice, restricted comment time and inadequate public meetings. Thank you for extending the comment time if not to April 11 at least to March 11th.
My remarks are limited as I have only had time to read one and one/third volumes. Based upon what I have read and combined with what I know and am providing is but a small part of that knowledge.
I request that there be no expansion beyond the mis-named “No Action” Alternative and that the Navy go back, examine and re-evaluate assumptions being made. I do not know if the Navy ever did a scoping process for the “No Action Alternative” or produced a properly reviewed EIS/OEIS or are attempting to grandfather in what is already taking place. Further investigation of the potential impacts of operating in near proximity to Endangered Species using technology that harms and kills are needed to be carried out by independent “best available scientific studies”.
Knowing that harm and death occur, having gone to the trouble of getting an exception not granted any other organization or government body; knowing that Endangered Marine Mammals follow Endangered salmon through, about and within the NWTRC Study Area activities should be suspended in the areas of sensitivity mid April through mid October. Areas of sensitivity are the traditional ocean to rivers path ways used for hundreds of years by resident aquatic species.
Unless and until recommendations made by Howard Garrett of the Orca Network, the National Resources Defense Council along with the Organizations that signed their submission, Conservation North West and my objections and questions can be addressed on the inadequacy of the NWTRC EIS/OEIS Draft training should stop and or be limited within 300 miles of the Olympic National Marine Mammal Sanctuary. Until these recommendations and questions can be address as submitted by the above organization no expansion should be allowed. Until recommendations can be put into place and appropriate training can be given to Sonar personnel all training should be suspended in critical areas rather than use technology that the Navy knows kills multiple Endangered Species.
Unless you can clone Clark Kent/Superman to be a look out with super sight and listening with super hearing for species that seeks not to be found to be present on sonar duty on all vessels the U.S. Navy should stop “takings” of multiple Endangered Species. How would a “look out” work on submarines? No human can detect marine mammals that are 200 to 300 miles away that are in sonar harm’s way. Current sonar technology does kill and its effects are heard much further than the draft EIS/OEIS admits. A Navy sonar expert has research that shows the sonar is heard 300 miles and maybe more from its source. This was not mentioned in the EIS/OEIS draft.
Please find the will, intelligence and ingenuity that the U.S. Navy is known for and find a way that training can occur and Endangered Species are not “taken” in the process. When did it become okay to kill, harm or damage that which the U.S. Navy is mandated to protect? The lives, environment, way of life and economic violability of multiple communities along the West Coast and within Puget Sound depend upon each of you to find a way to both protect and defend our quality of life. This means living in harmony and without harming our varied marine species, especially those that are threatened and or endangered.
For my part I will continue to communicate to the President, Secretary of State and United Nations members to find non-violent ways to achieve peace and justice. And I will pray that no person serving his Country in the Military will have to kill or be killed. And that no marine mammals ever again come within 300 miles of Navy sonar – an impossible hope.
Please remember that no member of any aquatic species has ever sought to “take” the life of anyone in the U.S. Navy. Please find a way to not have to “take” their lives.
I agree with the Comments submitted by the National Resources Defense Council, Organizations who signed on to their comments, Conservation North West. Please implement their recommendations along with the very intelligent and knowledgeable comments and suggestions made by Howard Garrett.
Please answer the questions I have raised. Please check out the complete reports I have referenced in my two supporting documents.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this process in submitting my four part comments to the NWTRC EIS/OEIS Draft December 2008. I will be sending copies of these documents to my Congressional Representatives, President Obama, other organizations and the media.

More than the average person I know the importance of a well trained and mission ready Navy. I have studied extensively U.S. Strategic National Security theory and tactics; the moral and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi; participated in 1988 at Oxford as part of the Secretariat of the Global Forum on Human Survival of Religious and Parliamentarians on Human Survival; attended the Global Forum on Survival in Moscow in 1990; am the former wife of a Mahatma Gandhi relative; six of my family have served in the military and I joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary in 1970.
I support our troops and I believe that with the will to do so military personnel can do anything. Please create a win win and find ways to train without killing endangered species. The NWTRC EIS/OEIS Draft 2008 is a good beginning but does not represent the quality of work that I know the Navy can perform. I have given weeks of my life that I could have used to promote my just published book. A tenth surgery scheduled this month could be fatal. I have given above and beyond please do the same. Thank you.

Conclusion of Part 1 Introductory Remarks. (Attachment 1 of 2)
Part 2 Comments
Part 3 Experts in Radiation
Part 4 Marine Mammal Deaths and Naval Hubris. (Attachment 2 of 2)

Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
Whidbey Island Chemically Injured Network
Whidbey Island No Spray
Washington State resident since 1946
Veterans of Foreign Wars 2669 Auxiliary since 1970

Marine Mammal Deaths & Naval Hubris

August 18, 2009 Attachment 2 of 2 to NMFS Comments
Abstract of articles assembled by and comments by Theresa Marie K. Gandhi.
The U.S. Navy is being sued for exploding ordinance in Puget Sound waters near NSA Whidbey, allegedly killing thousands of fish and potentially harming federally protected species such as Chinook salmon, Stellar sea lions, humpback whales and bull trout filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle on July 29, 2008 by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and the Wild Fish Conservancy. “Juvenile salmon and the food web of Puget Sound would be much better protected if the Navy would simply take the measures suggested by the government’s own scientists," said Kurt Beardslee, executive director of Wild Fish Conservancy.
LOS ANGELES (August 12, 2008) – The U.S. Navy’s use of low and mid-frequency active sonar will remain restricted to certain military training areas of the Pacific Ocean, according to an agreement approved by a U.S. district court in San Francisco today. The comprehensive agreement between the Navy and conservation organizations follows a court injunction issued early this year against the Navy’s Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar system, which blasts vast areas of ocean with harmful levels of underwater noise. In that decision, the court agreed with a coalition of organizations, led by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), that the Navy’s proposed LFA deployment in more than 70 percent of the world’s oceans was illegal. A separate lawsuit challenging the U.S. Navy’s use of mid-frequency active sonar is currently under consideration in the U.S. Supreme Court.
“We don’t have to choose between national security and protecting the environment,” said Michael Jasny, senior policy analyst with NRDC. “Today’s agreement maintains the Navy’s ability to test and train, while shielding whales and other vulnerable species from harmful underwater noise.”
Under the agreement, LFA testing and training is limited to defined areas of the North Pacific Ocean, and the Navy must adhere to other protective measures, including seasonal and coastal exclusions that will protect breeding grounds and other important whale habitat.
In Hawaii, for example, LFA training cannot occur near the Hawaii Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary or the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, and is limited to waters beyond 50 nautical miles of the main islands, an area known to contain vital habitat for several unique marine mammal populations.
LFA sonar relies on extremely loud, low-frequency sound to detect submarines at great distances. According to the Navy’s own studies, the LFA system generates noise intense enough to significantly disrupt whale behavior more than 300 miles away. Scientists have observed that, under certain oceanic conditions, sound from a single LFA system could be detected across entire oceans.
“Limiting sonar use in breeding grounds and other key habitat areas is essential for the conservation of whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals,” said Naomi Rose, Ph.D., marine mammal scientist for The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). “This agreement protects both national security and our most treasured natural resources.”
The lawsuit asserted that a permit issued last year by the National Marine Fisheries Service, allowing deployment of the sonar system around the world, violated a number of federal laws including the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. The district court agreed, noting in particular that the government had failed to protect marine life with adequate mitigation measures as required by law. In 2002, this same court held a prior permit unlawful, after which NRDC and the U.S. Navy entered into a negotiated agreement that restricted LFA training from important habitat until last year’s permit was issued.
The coalition consists of the Natural Resources Defense Council, International Fund for Animal Welfare, The Humane Society of the United States, Cetacean Society International, League for Coastal Protection, and Ocean Futures Society and its president and founder Jean-Michel Cousteau.
The military employs two types of active sonar: mid-frequency and low-frequency. Low-frequency sonar travels enormous distances in seawater. During testing off the California coast, noise from SURTASS LFA, the Navy's main low-frequency system, was detected across the breadth of the North Pacific. By the Navy's own estimates, even 300 miles from the source these sonic waves can retain an intensity of 140 decibels -- a hundred times more intense than the level known to alter the behavior of large whales. Mid-frequency sonar is more widely used and has been associated with mortalities of whales.
But stranded whales are only the most visible symptom of a problem affecting much larger numbers of marine lives. In the darkness of the ocean, marine mammals and many fish rely on sound to follow migratory routes, to locate each other over great distances, to find food, to breed and to care for their young. Naval sonar has been shown to disrupt feeding and other vital behavior and to cause a wide range of species to panic and flee. Scientists are concerned about the cumulative effect of all of these impacts on populations of animals.
Numerous mass stranding events and whale deaths across the globe have been linked to military sonar use.
October 1989: At least 20 whales of three species strand during naval exercises near the Canary Islands.
December 1991: Two Cuvier's beaked whales strand during naval exercises near the Canary Islands.
The Canary Islands authorities have asked NATO to halt a naval exercise in the area, fearing it may be responsible for the death of 17 whales washed up on the coast of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote this week. NATO participants included the US frigate De Wert, which specializes in anti-submarine warfare.

May 1996: Twelve Cuvier's beaked whales strand on the west coast of Greece as NATO ships sweep the area with low- and mid-frequency active sonar.
October 1999: Four beaked whales strand in the U.S. Virgin Islands during Navy maneuvers offshore.
May 2000: A beaked whale strands in Vieques as naval exercises are about to begin offshore.
May 2000: Three beaked whales strand on the beaches of Madeira during NATO naval exercises near shore.
March 2000:.13 beaked whales that stranded in the Bahamas in after exposure to active sonar, seven died.
April 2002: A beaked whale and a humpback whale strand near Vieques during an offshore battle group training exercise.
September 2002: At least 14 beaked whales from three different species strand in the Canary Islands during an anti-submarine warfare exercise in the area. Four additional beaked whales strand over the next several days.
May 2003: As many as 11 harbor porpoises beached along the shores of the Haro Strait, Washington State, as the USS Shoup tests its mid-frequency sonar system.
June 2004: As many as six beaked whales strand during a Navy sonar training exercise off Alaska.
July 2004: Four beaked whales strand during naval exercises near the Canary Islands.
January 2005: At least 34 whales of three species strand along the Outer Banks of North Carolina as Navy sonar training goes on offshore.
2008: A federal court prohibits the Navy from conducting major mid-frequency sonar exercises in California without safety measures in place and rejects a White House bid to excuse the Navy from environmental compliance. The Navy petitions to appeal the decision and the case will go before the U.S. Supreme Court during fall 2008.
2008: A federal court limits the regions where low-frequency sonar may be used and deemed certain species-rich areas, such as the Galapagos Islands and the Great Barrier Reef, off-limits.
2006: Two years after an earlier exercise caused the stranding of 200 whales in Hanalei Bay, a federal court halts sonar use during the Navy's massive Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise off Hawaii. The Navy agrees to additional mitigation to remove the injunction.
2006: After years of pressure from NRDC, the Navy begins to conduct environmental reviews and seek permits for mid-frequency sonar training off the U.S. coasts. The first review, for a proposed training range off North Carolina, is so heavily criticized that the Navy takes the unusual step of withdrawing it and starting from scratch.
2005: An NRDC-led coalition sues the Navy in U.S. federal court after years of attempts at constructive dialogue could not convince the Navy to take common-sense precautions during peacetime training with mid-frequency sonar.
2004: Responding to NRDC and other groups, a suite of intergovernmental bodies begins to take action on sonar. The European Parliament calls on its 25 member states to stop deploying active sonar without more information about the harm to whales and other marine life. ACCOBAMS, a European agreement for marine mammals, commits to develop guidelines for sonar and other noise-producing activities in the Mediterranean and Black seas. The World Conservation Congress of the World Conservation Union calls for international action.
2003: NRDC wins a major victory when a federal court rules illegal the Navy's plan to deploy low-frequency sonar through 75 percent of the world's oceans. The Navy agrees to limit use of the system to a fraction of the area originally proposed, and that use of low-frequency sonar will be guided by negotiated geographical limits and seasonal exclusions. Ongoing NRDC campaigns have made strides toward requiring the Navy to use proper safeguards when employing sonar.

Naval Sonar Experts Know it Kills Marine Mammals:
Secures Exception to law to Kill, i.e., Take Marine Mammals within Sanctuaries!

July 2002 Surtass LFA was authorized for US naval use, despite having been responsible for the mass death of whales in the Mediterranean and off the Bahamas. Surtass LFA transmits signals as powerful as 215 decibels; a whale's eardrums can explode at 180 decibels. US navy says its use is vital in helping to detect super-quiet submarines.
Since 2002, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the two civilian agencies charged with enforcing the Endangered Species Act, have urged the Navy to undertake alternative training practices to minimize damage to marine life, such as using bubble curtains or other containers to minimize blast impacts, or conducting the training in quarries, lakes or the open ocean rather than in the waters of Puget Sound.
Navy Requests LOA for Keyport Range Complex Extension
On July 3, 2008, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service provided public notice that the U.S. Navy has applied to NMFS for a five-year Letter of Authorization -LOA for the incidental harassment of marine mammals incidental to the research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) activities within the NAVSEA NUWC Keyport Range Complex Extension. The Navy wants the LOA to cover the period September 2009 through April 2014. If granted, the LOA would be issued under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
The Navy's application further explains that "the mission activities conducted within the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Keyport Range Complex and the associated proposed extensions that could result in Level B harassment and possibly Level A harassment."

There are between 700 and 4,000 stranding events per year. Adding the stress of Surtass LFA that transmits signals as powerful as 215 decibels when a whale's eardrums can explode at 180 decibels. And Navy Sonar Experts reporting that marine mammals can hear these transmissions over 300 miles away the number of stranding events will raise and extinction will come faster. The justification for the probable extinction of multiple marine species is that the US navy says its use is vital in helping to detect super-quiet submarines.

This technology could mean the end of whales in our oceans in our lifetime.
Another issue not addressed within the draft EIS/OEIS NWTRC is the effect on the magnetic fields, magma and geological faults within a geologically active region. Repeated undersea sonic pulses from 20 # bombs and frequency penetration could unzip a huge volcanic ridge off the west coast from Vancouver Island south to Oregon.
It has been discovered that sound pulses fired into a similar Indonesian volcanic ridge for oil exploration unleashed the 2004 Tsunami.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why does Truth need a Revolution?

“God is Truth, Truth is God.” is a book by Mahatma Gandhi. For the past forty years my ongoing daily prayers give thanks for two things, many times a day: To know the Truth to my questions; and to Know the Presence of God. I see the Divine in every One and every Thing. I see Truth in all that I hear, see, read and know.
A dear friend and wise mentor told me of an experience giving a talk to a room full of Jesuit Priests. He told me: “I started out by making the statement that I did not believe in God. This caused a disturbance through out the large room and as gentlemen they continued to listen to me (this physicist) through to the end of my talk. I ended the lecture by saying; I don’t believe in God, I know God.”
Orest Bedrij has written and I have read (read my review on “Celebrate Your Divinity: The Nature of God and the Theory of Everything”. He quotes hundreds of wise and holy people both ancient and recent who also understood that the Divine Creator, i.e. God by what ever name you call “him”, is within each of us, connects us and makes it insane to hurt, oppress or go to war with others who also have the Divine Spark within. A hope of Orest’s, and other physicists I’ve been privileged to know, is that when the math of physics discovers a Grand Unification Theory or a Theory of Everything it would prove the oneness of all and then this fact of truth, when known and understood, could stop all wars and injustice against each other and nature globally.
1983 I saw the movie “GANDHI”, read his autobiography: “My Experiments with Truth” and then found his book: “God is Truth, Truth is God”. I experienced a series of “ah haas” and “of course(s)”. I know that humanity has been given a process and a framework of principles to end conflict peacefully using nonviolence.
One of the effects of a life of health challenges with many surgeries I have been able to read thousands of books, foreign magazines and watch our Constitutional Democracy on C-span I and II. My reading focused on history, economics, the environment, governance, the spiritual teachings of all religions and to discovering the keys to achieving health in body, mind and for our health care system.
After an intense search to know God and listen for the Truth of my still small voice within I developed a discernment to know truth when I heard or read it and to also know when someone was not communicating Truth.
For decades I have known who would be President months before the election. In 2000 I was confused as I “knew” Gore would win but that Bush would be President. In January 1980 I “knew” Reagan would be President. I got active, represented Jefferson County at the State Democratic Convention. I “knew” that I had to go to Washington, D.C. to do what I could to prevent my “knowing” vision from happening. I have always been very concerned with the state of our world and have searched my entire life for the answers to our greatest challenges as humanity, in our time, faces extinction as have hundreds of thousands of species already.
The stack of untruths is huge, goes back more than a century and is so pervasive as to cause me great angst. I saw that the majority of Americans were too busy with their own lives and economic challenges to dig for the truth when fed fear and such refined lies. Tell a big enough lie over and over and it will be believed by a lot of people.
This century plus accumulation of lies created a foundation of belief systems as to be almost impossible to penetrate with just one truth about a specific issue. To accept a truth that could expose a greater body of lies seemed too overwhelming. My sister does not want to hear about humanity and earth’s major challenges and threats to continued existence even though not knowing could kill her.
A book title that gives us a clue is: “If You Meet Buddha on the Road Kill Him” Most individuals do not want to hear the truth, especially about themselves. Buddha’s Being reflects truth back to the one looking and the immediate inclination is to kill the truth speaker/revealer especially if that truth reflects a part of self that is in denial.
The past twenty-eight years it has been especially difficult to maintain hope as the stack of lies seemed to grow exponentially to climax in the loss of our principle founding documents upon which our Constitutional Democracy were founded. As the Constitution was redacted; the Bill of Rights shredded; Posse Comitates and Habeas corpus cancelled; International Treaties ignored; the Geneva Convention shredded and the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest became exponentially larger than ever before.
It was with alarm that I understood that the USA PATRIOT ACT and the Thought Crime Act* can name me as a home grown terrorist and thus an Enemy Combatant that could be disappeared upon the whim of the President or Vice President acting in his name as Dick Cheney has. My speaking truth to power by submitting official comments on behalf of salmon, Wetlands and Puget Sound to change government policies and communicating via prose, essays, letters to Editors and Congress is illegal.
The House voted 400 to 4 to approve the Thought Crime Act. I could not believe they are so ignorant of history’s lessons. Many have violated their oath of office for not defending or protecting the Constitution from threats foreign or (especially) domestic.
Impeachment is a cure our forefathers wove into the fabric of our Constitutional Democracy for just such a time when the Presidency became an all powerful Imperial Dictatorship holding its self above the law while at the same time deconstructing and ripping asunder the founding documents of our Democratic Republic.
For blocking the very process that could have restored our Constitution that has been ripped asunder I hold Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in contempt of Congress and in violation of her oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and Domestic by “taking impeachment off the table”.
After Apartheid, South Africa created the “Truth and Reconciliation” process to heal past harm so as to be able to forgive and go forward as a Nation. In our Nation the Multi-National Media and other Corporations stand in the way of truth being revealed as their profits depend upon truth not being known to maximize their profits. As we all know Profit is King in so called “Free Market Capitalism”. The WTO claims a Global Constitution based on trade’s profits that cancels national, tribal and local sovereignty.
In war Truth is always the first victim. To come to peace Truth must be spoken and that is a Revolutionary Act. To replace armies with conflict mediation trained Peacemakers will take a Revolution of Truth and We the People demanding that it be so.

“In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
- George Orwell
© Copyright Theresa Marie K. Gandhi August 8, 2008

Monday, July 27, 2009

Yesterday's Words - Today Letter from Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s “Experiments in Truth” and life have guided me since 1983 to always “stay on spiritual truth” i.e. Satyagraha and to speak and act non-violently, i.e. Ahimsa.

“After I am gone no single person will be able completely to represent me.
But a little bit of me will live in many of you.
As you have given me the privilege of speaking to you I am laying my heart bare.
If you find me speaking without reserve, and if you think that I seem to transgress the limits that courtesy imposes upon me, pardon me for the Liberty I may be taking.
If nonviolence is to be evolved in individuals, societies or nations truth has to be told, how ever harsh or unpopular it may appear to be for the moment.
One thing is certain if the mad race for armaments continues;
it is bound to result in the slaughter such has never occurred in history.
If there is a Victor left, the very victory will be living death for the nation that emerges victorious.
There is no escape from the impending doom save through a bold and unconditional
acceptance of a nonviolent method with all its glorious implications.
Democracy can only be saved through nonviolence, i.e. ahimsa.
My notion of democracy is that under it the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest.
This can never happen except through nonviolence.
In nonviolence, the masses have a weapon, which enables a child, a woman or even a decrepit old man to resist the mightiest government successfully.
If your spirit is strong, mere lack of physical strength ceases to be a handicap.
A nonviolent revolution is not a program of seizure of power.
The first condition of nonviolence is justice all-around in every department of life.
If one does not practice nonviolence in one’s personal relationships with others
and hopes to use it in bigger affairs, one is vastly mistaken.
Nonviolence to be a creed has to be all-pervasive.
I cannot be nonviolent about one activity of mine and violent about others.
That would be a policy, not a life force.
Nonviolence cannot be a mere policy. It must be a creed or a passion.
My soul refuses to be satisfied so long as it is a helpless witness
of a single wrong or a single misery.
But it is not possible for me to mend every wrong or hold myself free
of blame for all the wrong I see. An unjust law its self is a species of violence.
There may be far more violence in the slow torture of men and animals, the starvation and exploitation to which they are subjected out of shellfish greed,
the wanton humiliation and oppression of the weak and the killing of their self respect that we witness all-around us today, than in the mere taking of life.
A man or a woman with a passion expresses it in every little act.
Therefore, he or she who is possessed by nonviolence
will express it in the family circle, in their dealings with neighbors, in business and in their dealings with opponents.
During my experience, I have not yet come across a situation when I had to say I was helpless, that I had no remedy in terms of nonviolence.
As the means so is the end. The means may be like unto a seed, the end to a tree;
there is just the same inviolable connection between the means and the ends as there
is between a seed and a tree. We reap exactly as we sow.
What you do may seem insignificant,
but it is very important that you do it.” - M.K Gandhi

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obama Global Warming Plan Involves Cooling Air

John Holdren talks about his role as President Obama's science adviser during an interview with The Associated Press, in Washington, Wednesday, April 8, 2009. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
WASHINGTON — Tinkering with Earth's climate to chill runaway global warming _ a radical idea once dismissed out of hand _ is being discussed by the White House as a potential emergency option, the president's new science adviser said Wednesday.
That's because global warming is happening so rapidly, John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month.
The concept of using technology to purposely cool the climate is called geoengineering. One option raised by Holdren and proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning scientist includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays.
Using such an experimental measure is only being thought of as a last resort, Holdren said.
"It's got to be looked at," he said. "We don't have the luxury ... of ruling any approach off the table."
His concern is that the United States and other nations won't slow global warming fast enough and that several "tipping points" could be fast approaching. Once such milestones are reached, such as complete loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic, it increases chances of "really intolerable consequences," he said.
Twice in a half-hour interview, Holdren compared global warming to being "in a car with bad brakes driving toward a cliff in the fog."
He and many experts believe that warming of a few degrees more would lead to disastrous drought conditions and food shortages in some regions, rising seas and more powerful coastal storms in others.
At first, Holdren characterized the potential need to technologically tinker with the climate as just his personal view. However, he went on to say he has raised it in administration discussions.
"We're talking about all these issues in the White House," Holdren said. "There's a very vigorous process going on of discussing all the options for addressing the energy climate challenge."
Holdren said discussions include Cabinet officials and heads of sub-Cabinet level agencies, such as NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The 65-year-old physicist is far from alone in taking geoengineering seriously. The National Academy of Sciences is making it the subject of the first workshop in its new climate challenges program for policymakers, scientists and the public. The British Parliament has also discussed the idea. At an international meeting of climate scientists last month in Copenhagen, 15 talks dealt with different aspects of geoengineering.
The American Meteorological Society is crafting a policy statement that says "it is prudent to consider geoengineering's potential, to understand its limits and to avoid rash deployment."
Last week, Princeton scientist Robert Socolow told the National Academy that geoengineering should be an available option in case climate worsens dramatically.
Holdren, a 1981 winner of a MacArthur Foundation "genius" grant, outlined these possible geoengineering options:
_ Shooting sulfur particles (like those produced by power plants and volcanoes, for example) into the upper atmosphere, an idea that gained steam when it was proposed by Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen in 2006. It would be "basically mimicking the effect of volcanoes in screening out the incoming sunlight," Holdren said.
_ Creating artificial "trees" _ giant towers that suck carbon dioxide out of the air and store it.
The first approach would "try to produce a cooling effect to offset the heating effect of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases," Holdren said.
But he said there could be grave side effects. Studies suggest that might include eating away a large chunk of the ozone layer above the poles and causing the Mediterranean and the Mideast to be much drier.
And those are just the predicted problems. Scientists say they worry about side effects that they don't anticipate.
While the idea could strike some people as too risky, the Obama administration could get unusual support on the idea from groups that have often denied the harm of global warming in the past.
The conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute has its own geoengineering project, saying it could be "feasible and cost-effective." And Cato Institute scholar Jerry Taylor said Wednesday: "Very few people would rule out geoengineering on its face."
Holdren didn't spell out under what circumstances such extreme measures might ever be called for. And he emphasized they are not something to rely on.
"It would be preferable by far," he said, "to solve this problem by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases."
Yet there is already significant opposition building to the House Democratic leaders' bill aimed at achieving President Barack Obama's goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050.
Holdren said temperatures should be kept from rising more than 3.6 degrees. To get there, he said the U.S. and other industrial nations have to begin permanent dramatic cuts in carbon dioxide pollution by 2015, with developing countries following suit within a decade.
Those efforts are racing against three tipping points he cited: Earth could be as close as six years away from the loss of Arctic summer sea ice, he said, and that has the potential of altering the climate in unforeseen ways. Other elements that could dramatically speed up climate change include the release of frozen methane from thawing permafrost in Siberia, and more and bigger wildfires worldwide.
The trouble is that no one knows when these things are coming, he said.
Holdren also addressed other topics during the interview:
_ The U.S. anti-ballistic missile program is not ready to work and shouldn't be used unless it is 100 percent effective. The system, which would be used to shoot down missiles from countries like North Korea or Iran "needs to be essentially perfect ... that's going to be hard to achieve."
_ Holdren said NASA needs some changes. He said the Bush administration's plan to return astronauts to the moon was underfunded so money was taken from science and aeronautics. Those areas, including climate change research, were "decimated," he said.
The administration will "rebalance NASA's programs so that we have in space exploration, a suitable mix of manned activities and robotic activities," Holdren said. Doing that "will only get under way in earnest when a new administrator is in place."
Holdren, who advises the president on such decisions, said he hopes Obama will pick a new NASA boss soon.

Office of Science and Technology Policy:

Cult of the Atom - Nuke Power's Report Card

Cult of the Atom: Secrets of the AEC book review NYT
THE CULT OF THE ATOM. The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission. By Daniel Ford. Illustrated. 273 pages. Simon & Schuster. $13.95. According to Daniel Ford, the mindset that allows obscurity to replace truthfulness flourished in the offices and adjunct laboratories of the now-superseded A.E.C. In ''The Cult of the Atom,'' Mr. Ford, an economist and former executive director of the Union of Concerned Scientists, persuasively assails what he regards as the duplicitous nature of much of the commission's work. Relying heavily on internal memoranda released through Freedom of Information Act requests, he explores the ways in which the A.E.C., empowered and directed by Congress not only to regulate the nuclear industry but also to promote nuclear energy, played ''the incompatible roles of coach and umpire, of partisan as well as judge.'' Mr. Ford argues that many Americans, who were defensive if not sorry about the bombings of Japan, welcomed the early utopian visions of nuclear power - including plutonium-heated swimsuits for scuba divers. Soon, as he describes it, leading scientists were ''looked upon as the high priests of a state religion.'' One can easily understand their unwillingness to admit infallibility, incompetence or ignorance. The result of this all-too-human response, Mr. Ford suggests, was the bypassing of the building of prototypes and the proliferation of very large nuclear reactors close to major metropolitan areas. According to Mr. Ford, A.E.C. engineers who reviewed the safety devices at the Indian Point plant in Westchester County ''used to joke half-seriously among themselves'' that its site at Buchanan, N.Y. ''should be renamed 'Hiroshima-on-Hudson.' '' This is frightening: Mr. Ford describes many occasions on which the A.E.C. censored negative findings of its own scientists - or published inaccurately Pollyanaish precise stifled dissent in its ranks by cutting financing to recalcitrant staffers and relied on industry manufacturers to perform critical tests and write their own regulations. As an example, in 1971, the engineering staff of the A.E.C.'s National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho prepared a chart on the state of knowledge about emergency core-cooling systems. It listed in one column the 29 major technical areas where information was needed to predict whether the systems would work, and in another, it summarized the ''current status'' of available information. The ratings were as follows: four incompletes, three unverifieds, one preliminary, eight inadequates, two inaccurates, four uncertains and seven missing. In 1973, after almost two years of hearings on the systems, the A.E.C. reaffirmed the existing designs. At times, ''The Cult of the Atom'' reads like an awesomely bad report card.

Department of Energy Secretary Chu

Secretary Steven Chu, US Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585

Greetings Secretary Chu:
The Hanford Dose Reconstruction Project estimates my exposure at birth and for the first two years of my life at 2,900,000 MREMS of radiation in 1946. I’ve beat cancer two times and have had multiple health challenges in my sixty-three years. Eight of ten of my school friends are dead from cancer. Four of six of my immediate family has experienced cancer, two died from it. I’m alive because a Chinese M.D., fourth generation Acupuncturist, etc. treated me until I was cancer free. I still have other challenges that are a part of Radiation Sickness Syndrome and have had eight surgeries. I have spent my life seeking a way to stay alive.
I have researched nuclear power, Hanford, Chernobyl, Radiation and the history of the Atom. My bread board’s wood held up the drafting table that redesigned the Enola Gay to be able to drop the first atomic bombs.
At this time it will take the clean-up crews at Hanford 167 years to vitrify to glass the contents of storage tanks that leak radiation into the water table next to the Columbia River.
Between Three Mile Island and a Washington State Initiative that made the stock holders liable for cost over-runs rather than rate payers building new plants stopped.
Before this folly is taken up again it would be wise to review what was done wrong, find which safety features are lacking and open the warehouse full of black boxes that were filled with ignored as unsolvable problems by the AEC (because of cost considerations). When an agency of government is charged with both promoting and regulating such a potentially harmful or even deadly program the conflict creates a need for secrecy and bad decisions.
One critical problem that is flashing red and all regulators seem color blind to it is the emergency back up system that requires water (that would not be there) to push hydraulics up for an emergency shut down of the reactor core. I forget if this is a Westinghouse or General Electric design problem.
If you haven’t read “The Cult of the Atom: Secrets of the Atomic Energy Commission” by Daniel F. Ford published in 1982 by Simon and Schuster you would be wise to do so. So many of the problems of nuclear power plants were discovered as the new technology came online. The need to justify nuclear power as practicable was so great that if a critical problem would cost money it was black boxed and buried. I’ve attached a book review.
There are several other unintended consequences that have been suppressed through time that really should be addressed that are not covered by Mr. Ford’s book. If you are interested I could put together a briefing for you.
I spent a decade researching the moral and political thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi when I married into the family and administered special projects for the Gandhi Memorial International Foundation. I’ve participated with world leaders strategizing Global Survival at Conferences in Toronto, Oxford and Moscow. Now I do document searches of peer reviewed science, submit official comments to various public policy formulation processes and write poetry.

Speaking and working for a Quality Common Future for Our Seventh Generation,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
P.O. Box 437, Clinton, WA 98236 360-341-1218