June 16, 2009
Global Warming from HAARP not Addressed
President Barack Obama:
Thank you for your June 2nd letter in response to my communicating to you my concerns about Global Warming. The form letter signed by you most likely by one of those signature machines I saw at the Religious Broadcasters Convention is appreciated.
You did not respond to a very important issue that I raised, i.e. HAARP.
In Gakona, Alaska, HAARP using 3.6 million watts of electricity is sending focused beams to the ionosphere to heat and bow it for over the horizon targeting for a number of uses. When the USA, Russia and other countries use these technologies it puts a huge amount of energy into our weather system. Common sense says this has contributed to Extreme Severe Weather Events. Extreme Arctic Ice Melt is happening and again common sense would say there is a link to heating the Artic sky.
For more than just common sense Dr. Nick Begich, Senator Begich’s brother, has written extensively with footnotes and patents of the technology used by the HAARP system. Also noted in one of Nick’s book is a quote from the Air Force calling for the ability to control the weather as a “Force Multiplier”. Ask Dr. Nick Begich or read any of his books from www.earthpulse.com.
As Commander-in-Chief I can understand your belief in the need for such a system but HEATING THE IONOSPHERE CONTRIBUTES TO GLOBAL WARMING and is not smart. Always unintended consequences happen as with HAARP and Global Warming.
Major Ed Dames, former trainer for the military, teaches remote viewing. He and his team have tasked and “seen” the atmosphere with “Swiss cheese” rips from pole to pole. Could HAARP have done this?
Dumping millions of tons of chemicals high in the sky has not solved the root problem of Global Warming. Unless the chem-trails are also a part of HAARP. Instead the barium, aluminum and ? chemicals are changing the pH of food crop soils and the oceans world wide. I have witnessed since 1998 the chemical-trails being laid down in grid patterns in four states and then spreading out and clouding the sky. I know it is very wide spread. Ask Major Ed Dames. His oath of secrecy prevented him from saying more but “no comment” often speaks volumes.
Could you please call together the other Nations that are using the HAARP technology and get everyone to agree to STOP HEATING THE SKY?
If not could you please explain why?
Speaking and working for Our Seventh Generation,
Theresa Marie K. Gandhi
www.tmgandhi.com tm@tmgandhi.com