President Obama,
I support your budget and please do not listen to the money washed republican Corpracrats. There are democratic Corpracrats you need to also be careful of. President Eisenhower edited out the word Congressional when he warned us of the military industrial congressional complex. And please, trickle down does not work. Please bury it.
Why would you listen to me? Ever since being offered an internship with Senator Warren Magnusson in the early seventies I have educated and prepared myself to be a United States Senator. In 1980 while volunteering at Democratic National Headquarters so that Ron Reagan would not win I got a bill out of committee. In 1988 I got a law made making October 2nd a National Day of Recognition for Mahatma Gandhi and shook hands with President Reagan in the Oval Office. Since 1982 I have researched, applied and taught the moral and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi with a focus on how specifically to achieve inner and world peace. Staying on truth and being non-violent in thought, word and deed is a passion and moment to moment experience for me. As an ordained minister knowing the constant Presence of God makes life worth living and is a gift to be used wisely. In 1983 I married a relative of Mahatma Gandhi.
Thank you for being open to communications from us common folk – some of us are wise and can see from afar the forest of unwise advice and even lies you have to weave your way through to find truth and wisdom. Our history of Presidents is filled with grievous attacks on those with the courage to make changes that took power from the powerful. I know you are one who can with the backing of common Americans as your constituency implement the changes that could restore and invigorate our Republic. Keep talking to us to let us know what you are doing and why and what we can do to help you.
I, like you, don’t speak unless I know the issues and know that I can back up what I say with reliable sources, references, peer reviewed scientific studies and have a probable solution to contribute to the challenge.
I campaigned for you by telling over 500 friends, family and fellow social justice activists to tell five people to tell five people, etc. to vote for you. Three Bush coup d’etats ended by blackmailing Congress that if they didn’t submit and give money to Wall St. martial law would be declared. And GW Bush signing an Executive Order authorizing 10 million uses of sonar that could kill the last marine mammal was too much. Another time I’ll communicate some of my Comments on the U.S. Navy NWTRC draft EIS/OEIS 2008. They and other examples of my work with photos can be found on my blog via my web page;
1. When you put the foxes who robbed the hen house in charge of designing, rebuilding and installing anti-theft procedures I knew we were in big trouble. The coup d’etat from the power elite bankers worked and America could be forever under the thumb of a powerful cabal. It’s not too late to get rid of the foxes. Will you?
2. Only you can request the State Department or Department of Commerce in preparation for COP15 in Copenhagen in December establish a Working Group on Global Warming and its relationship to ionospheric heaters, i.e. Star Wars. HAARP uses weapons of mass destruction technology that can be used for modifying the ionosphere over very large areas for "over-the-horizons" telecommunications disruption, creating computer errors and perhaps even creating negative biological effects. What is known from other government documents, HAARP planning documents and International Red Cross documents is that what is possible with these new systems could have global catastrophic consequences. The HAARP system intends to beam 3.6 million Gig watts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere and then use it as a weapon or at the least control the weather as a “force multiplier”. This energy drives extreme weather and creates climate disruption on a scale never seen before. Humanity and the continued existence of the west coast plus…. depends upon your considered thought, decision and action in this regard.
When you heat the sky to bow it to control and target over the horizon Extreme Ice melt occurs and temperatures have risen at least 4 degrees in Alaska, home of HAARP. Talk with Senator Mark Begich of Alaska about the work his brother Nick has done in researching and writing books about the patents, capability and implications of the technology that is online in Gakona, Alaska. I’m sure you have been briefed about the military uses of this technology but not the probable grievous harm.
Studying the history of geo-political strategic military actions I understand the need to have a security system on our northwestern frontier that can monitor the skies of the whole planet. The collateral damage could be the elimination of all artic ice sooner than we could possibly imagine. The perma frost is turning into swamp and the ripples could go around the world.
President Obama we need your leadership to admit what we, the Soviets and other countries are doing in the artic and in space and decide for the sake of humanity, the global coastal residents and our seventh generation to solve the issues that have gotten us to the present but may prevent us from having a future.
3. As a radioactive Hanford downwinder in the future I will communicate with you my research on the history of the Atomic Energy Commission, fourth generation nuclear weapons, i.e. Deplete Uranium and the poison gas created upon explosion. My bread board held up the drafting table where the Enola Gay was modified to be able to carry the bombs to Japan.
4. The USDA is one of the biggest contributors to the ill health and high medical expenses of Americans. Corporate farming is making Americans obese and malnourished at the same time. Your Secretary of Agriculture will not understand this link nor will he enable healthy organic farming that produces mineral rich wholesome alive and healthy food. My care giver son grows organic food so I may live. Please do not sign H.R 875 “The Food Safety and Modernization Act” into law. It is poorly written and makes it harder maybe impossible for organic family farms to stay in business. Monsanto is a bad actor and needs to be examined.
5. Can you please make sure that the State Department, the Military, law enforcement, prisons and schools teach conflict resolution techniques developed by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez and used by Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller? After 40 years in the United Nations he became the Chancellor at the University of Peace in Costa Rica but was only paid $1.00 a year with no support staff. Could you please fund the University for Peace and the U.S. Peace University? Or could you ask the United Nations to do so? Learning non-violent conflict mediation is very important if peace is to be possible.
Before we marched across America in Operation SALT March in 1984 I learned from Ford Motor Company that Peace is a threat to National Security. This should not be so.
Thank you for your kind consideration of the issues I have raised. I would like to shake the hand of the President with the courage to tackle and solve the challenges I have touched upon today. I hope you will be open to receiving my questions and suggestions in the future.
With sincere thanks for your being President,
Theresa Marie Kothari Gandhi
Whidbey Island Chemically Injured Network
Whidbey Island No Spray
Green Party of Island County
March 26, 2009