War profiteering in an illegal war
is truly sinful – shall I tell you more?
War not declared by Congress it’s said
is not a war as the media says.
Economic stimulus two such words
hiding lies way too big for words.
Money so huge and for 15 years back
goes back to the bad boys
the corporate thugs – General Motors
GE, Enron, Chevron/Texaco and yes
IBM – how could you guess
that Alternative Minimum – a retroactive non-tax
means Corporations pay less than zero - which is no tax
but corporate welfare to global giants
who can now hide profits outside of our land.
Never before but now legal it is
to hide corporate profits overseas.
Just the lost tax money admitted the 1st year
would be $12 billion no longer there.
Jews died with ease with IBM punch cards to tell
Nazi killers how to organize well
gets back $1.4 billion – IBM won’t tell.
In the millions – hundreds that is
General Motor $833, $671 to GE
$572 to Chevron/Texaco and $254 for Enron
hundreds of millions to stimulate greed.
Congress passed it and the Senate at night.
We must speak up and stop this blight
as an economic stimulus funds corporate flight!
Sent to President Obama 5-23-09
* “In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial (Congressional) complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge (Congressional), industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” - President Eisenhower 1/17/1961 General Eisenhower farewell address, Congress was also to be feared but was edited out at the last minute. I would add Corporate Agriculture, Big Media, Insurance, Medicine and Pharmaceutical Corporations that put profit above the greater good.
© Copyright Theresa Marie K. Gandhi August 8, 2008