Is ACES (HR2454) and U.S. Senate a Danger to Global Warming Solutions?
The American Energy and Security Act of 2009 ACES (Voted 219 - 212 in House) is an embarrassment and our Congressional Representative should know what you think. If made into a law with out significant changes in the Senate it will cause you, President Obama, to be very embarrassed before the Global Community of Nations and Tribes that will gather in Copenhagen this December for COP15 - Global Warming Treaty making.
ACES gives billions of dollars of Cap and Trade pollution permits to the Coal Industry; guts enforcement by the EPA; and does not require, nor give enforcement power to require the changes that are necessary to be made sooner rather than later. The valuable Cap and Trade permits given for “free” will most likely drive the next Wall Street coup d’etat.
Later is too late as the tipping point has already been reached in the Pacific Ocean. We’ve been told the oceans will be dead in forty years. To solve the interwoven problems some American “Sacred Cows”, like coal, diesel – ubiquitous petroleum products and corporate chemical agriculture will need to be open to changes that must be made to avert immediate unthinkable consequences.
One billion oysters, “Shore Canaries”, are dead! Deep ocean water have since 2005 been saturated with carbon dioxide thus turning the normally alkaline ocean waters into Carbonic Acid. Driven by northern winds the deep acid ocean waters have washed ashore killing One Billion Seed Oysters. This acid ocean water will kill shell-fish and shrimp, a major food of Northwest and Alaskan Salmon.
The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage “Patch” is 60’ deep, the size of Texas and made up mostly of petro-chemical products. Ghost reefs made up of petro-chemical fishing nets and ropes trap and kill massive numbers of the ocean’s multiple species. For the first time the Dead Zone from the Mississippi River’s Agra-biz chemical runoffs reaches all the way to the bottom of the Gulf and is huge. Dead Zones are found around the planet as lack of oxygen kills all life.
The quality of our common future and the least of us depend upon what we do:
Because our oceans are dying; our food growing seeds and soils are poisoned; as are the aquifers our foods use to grow. Every half hour an Indian farmer drinks ¾ cup of RoundUp® by Monsanto to commit suicide. Monsanto in charge of food production in India is a huge disaster. It may happen here, as President Obama has appointed Michael Taylor a former Monsanto Executive as EPA Food Safety Czar.
Because the Health of all earths’ peoples and species are at risk unless major public policy choices are made that will be very difficult, require sacrifice and a new paradigm; Because so many have given us the tools, wisdom, compassion and courage to know that we can made a difference;
Please made a law that puts into place mandates, enforcement and real incentives that will promote the changes that are needed to be made in public policies worthy of you, our Global Leader, representing we the people to set a strong moral example to the gathered world leaders in December in order to create a Global Warming Treaty that agrees to make changes to stop the harmful practices that contribute to Global Warming.
War contributes a huge amount of polluting particulate matter in Earth’s skies, waters and our air. It consumes almost 50% of our petroleum use and is a huge contributor to Global Warming. Nano particles of depleted uranium are now circulating the globe with deadly radioactive dust. 3.6 million watts of electricity used by HAARP to stretch out the ionosphere and direct associated war making programs are contributing to generations of problems yet to come from technologies impacting our atmosphere on a regular basis and this can not be good. Today we experience severe weather more often than ever before. Common sense says there’s a link.
Please Mr. President, we are counting on your leadership as the Corpracratic Congress is unable to get beyond self interest of corporate donors and make hard choices for the survival of humanity and the oceans. Are you able to rise above being the first to spend a billion dollars to be President?
Thank you.