The following are a series of letters I wrote to President Obama this past year.
Not included is a letter to Secretary Chu to please read "The Cult of the Atom" before any new nuclear power plants are approved. It's a history of how the rush to build new power plants uncovered many expensive design flaws that were ignored. Not to mention the 147 year back log of repacking the decades of stored nuclear waste at Hanford. The delays and impossibility of safely storing deadly radioactive wastes may never be solved. It's one of those design flaws that will cost lives and the good health of many for 10,000 years and more. This is a topic I’ve following for decades as a Hanford Downwinder.
I attempted to keep each letter on just one topic. So many of today’s challenges are interlinked that a single issue solved would not resolve the issue. Example: until corporate agriculture gives up mono crops and pesticide use health care costs will continue to go up and global warming will not be able to be solved.
Along with letters to President Obama I wrote and called Congress on these issues.
President Obama did send me a generic Global Warming snail mail but did not address my major issue, i.e. HAARP heating the sky and causing extreme Artic ice melt. President Obama has disappointed me in his choices. I have let him know and offered a different choice.
Swine flu and complications have taken three months out of my life this year. I am still weak from losing 40 pounds and gained another named disease to add to my list.
You never know what one letter can do. A letter to Donald Trump on making peace profitable he turned into a full page ad in the New York Times.
I hope the following inspires you to also communicate especially if you have expertise in an issue where decisions by those in power are being made.
Theresa Marie Gandhi
November 22, 2009